Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi
ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends
Aoudhubillahi min al shaitanir rajeem
A person curses, damns themselves by their own hands, feet, actions, etc. that: do these things. If you have someone that has been by their touch it turns almost everything in your house and life into like a pile of trash; or by their touch they afflict you with madness, torment, afflictions; or by their touch your life turns into continuous disorder, chaos, or a mess, then the Quranul Kareem defines who it is that wants to do these things and others to your life. But those individuals curse themselves as Shaitans by their actions, hands, feet, thoughts, and pattern or way of doing things...not their victims
1. By their touch afflict with madness. ~ Surahtul Baqarah Ayat 275
2. By their touch afflict with false desires. ~ Surahtul Nisa Ayat 119-120
3. By their touch afflict with vanity. ~ Surahtul Hajj Ayat 52
4. Threatens with poverty. ~ Surahtul Baqarah Ayat 268
5. Encourage following after own lusts. ~ Surahtul Ta Ha Ayat 16; Surahtul Rumi Ayat 29; Surahtul Muhammad Ayat 14
6. Encourage gambling and intoxicants. ~ Surahtul Maidah Ayat 90-91
7. Teach Magic, Sorcery, Witchcraft, Voodoo. ~ Surahtul Baqarah Ayats 102-103
8. Use Gharrar ~ Surahtul Araf Ayats 10-28. It is at Ayat 22 that Allah says, ""Bi Ghurruwr" by deception he brought about the fall (of Adam and Eve)"
9. Use Najwa
10. Encourage the Sacrificing of Lives to themselves (that are lawful for sacrifice and unlawful for sacrifice), but, outside of the Sacred Precincts of Jerusalem and Mecca. ~ Leviticus 17 "7The people must no longer be unfaithful to the LORD by offering sacrifices to the evil spirits (shaitans) out in the fields. This is a permanent law for them, to be observed from generation to generation."
11. Use Wickedness and Evilness. The Wicked rejoice in Evil because it turns things upside down. ~ Proverbs 2:13-14
12. Use Poetry to lie rather than for belief, righteousness, Dhikr and defense from injustice and unjust attacks. ~ Surahtul Shuara (Chapter of the Poets). I will (Insha Allah) add the remaining verses for 13-18 below soon.
13. Like to remind their victims of their previous sins; and like to remind to sin. One example of this is at ~ Surah 58 Ayat 19, "The Evil One has got the better of them so he has made them lose the remembrance of Allah They are.."; From the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws (after his whisper),- ~ Surahtul Nas Ayat 4
14. Encourage eating from the Forbidden Tree of Life. Encourage blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Story of Adam and Eve. Story of the Garden of Eden. ~ Genesis 3; Surahtul Baqarah Ayats 31-37; Surahtul Araf Ayats 10-28
15. Is an enemy to the true natures of Man and Woman. Attempts to reverse those natures. Story of Adam and Eve. Story of the Garden of Eden. ~ Genesis 3; Surahtul Baqarah Ayats 31-37; Surahtul Araf Ayats 10-28
16. Attack from where we cannot perceive them. Someone that has a regular pattern of attacking the person of faith and they have no proof or way of taking them to court or calling police. ~ Surahtul Araf Ayat 16
17. Attack from multiple angles. Someone that has a regular pattern of attacking a person of faith. ~ Surahtul Araf Ayat 16
18. Is possessing and compelling where compulsion is under the umbrella of possession. ~ Many passages of the Injeel and other places of the Kitab in which the evil ones do this.
19. Strips the raiment of their victims.
May they curse and damn themselves (exponentially, in highly highly highly concentrated form, eternally) by their own hands, feet, actions, etc. that: do those things.
Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi
ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends
Aoudhubillahi min al shaitanir rajeem
The (evil one) "He said: "Because thou hast thrown me out of the way, lo! I will lie in wait for them on thy straight way:" ~ Surahtul Araf Ayat 16
[Sometimes we may look at a person and say, "that person is crazy." but, sometimes (even among people of Faith in Allah) they may be under attack by the evil one. It may be tormenting, afflicting, oppressing, defiling, annoying, sourcing for spirit/breath/life/energy, torturing, cheating, sacrificing, scapegoating (transferring its sins) etc. to the victim from the unseen and they have little proof and little to no ways to defend themselves. Allah (swt) said that the shaitans by their touch afflict with madness; the shaitans by their touch afflict with false desires; the shaitans by their touch afflict with vanity; the shaitans threaten with poverty; encourage following after your own lusts; encourage gambling and intoxicants. We don't always see the other use of this information. Shaitan is not a category that anyone wants to find themselves in, because it is an accursed category. It is to be accursed of God and there are many challenges from God that the person faces if they "qualify themselves" as shaitans by their actions. It is kind of like if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...if it is doing the things that are characteristics of that principality then they condemn themselves by their own actions and have no one to blame but themselves for that title. That brings me to the point anyone habitually and systematically and regularly doing these things to believing Muslim friends "qualify themselves" as shaitans, and though it may not seem like much it carries a tremendous load of condemnations, challenges and curses from God. So we must: 1. do things to not qualify ourselves as shaitans; 2. ask Allah to condemn those doing those things to us as such; and 3. if you see someone that is kind of off or crazy remember it could be a shaitan that is tormenting them in the unseen...there may be an assailant in the unseen. Also 4. seek refuge with Allah against the accursed shaitans.]