Wednesday, February 9, 2022

This is Another Nice Thing to Ask Allah (swt)


Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi

ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends.

This is another nice thing to ask Allah (swt). Bismi Allahi Yaumul Awwal Wal Yaumul Huwa Wal Yaumul Akhir. Inna Lillahi Wa Innaa Ilaihi Rejeun.

When it comes to someone in the seen or unseen insulting and/or injuring you (and I will show you with an Ayah how I expanded the meaning of insult to include injure) this can be a problematic thing because it can impede your ability to be productive in your days and years. 

Allah (swt) has sworn by the Soul and the Proportion and Order given to it and it's enlightenment as to what is good for it and what is bad for it. So at some point Allah (swt) enlightens the person to recognize in their soul when someone is harmful to them. Could you imagine having to deal with this type of person for a couple or few decades because by their appearance they seem to be very nice, but in the unseen they are afflicting the heck out of you? Can click the images to enlarge them if difficult to read.

Allah (swt) teaches us a word for injury that includes the meaning of insult. He does this when He revealed that we should not cancel our charity by injury. But the word for injury also means to insult  أَذًى.

Now that we have this expanded definition of injury to include insult we can look at a Proverb from Nabi Sulaimon (as). It reads Proverbs 18:23 NLT - "The poor plead for mercy; the rich answer with insults."

This Proverb from Nabi Sulaimon (epbuh) really is supreme wisdom, but it doesn't become clear why until we take a visit to Nabi Isa Al Masihu Ibn Maryam (epbut). Nabi Isa (as) said in the Injeel at Matthew 19 that, 

"20 “I’ve obeyed all these commandments,” the young man replied. “What else must I do?” 21 Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” 22 But when the young man heard this, he went away sad, for he had many possessions. 23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “I tell you the truth, it is very hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 24 I’ll say it again—it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” 25 The disciples were astounded. “Then who in the world can be saved?” they asked. 26 Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” 

Now when looking back at the Proverb of Nabi Sulaimon (epbuh) we can see the category of "rich" expand to include those who "insult" and "injure" the poor (which we can imagine "poor" includes the pious subjects of Allah (swt) or people of Faith).

Therefore now that we are combining the Proverb of Nabi Sulaimon with the verses of the Messiah in the Injeel we can ask Allah (swt) to render the trial of the Messiah upon the "Rich" unto those who "Insult" and "Injure" us in the seen, and especially in the unseen where it seems we have no recourse except to pray to Allah (swt)...but the costs and impacts of the insults and injuries are long and far reaching...effecting finances, suitability for marriage, charting career paths, building a home, raising kids, credibility in the community, etc.

I may intend to add more to this. I will stop now with a post that I left on social media about a fine restomod organization in South Africa that works on Porsches. The reason why this is so important a topic is because while Allah (swt) has warned us of the consequences of amassing excessive riches and treasures on Earth, He (swt) has also warned us against being weak and oppressed in plight on Earth...that we have to improve from impoverished positions in life. We are not to be cast out into and feed upon trash, filth, and sewage. We have to keep ourselves, our communities, streams and waterways, etc. clean of filth, sewage, and pollution. Here is the ayah before my excerpt on social media, and by this we can see that there is a top consideration and a bottom consideration. This makes me think of Nabi Yusuf (epbuh) and the cyclical nature of life and how Nabi Yusuf (as) instructs us to seek the Golden Mean which is Optimus or Optimum. To save in Maximus for use in Minimus to maintain status of Optimus.

Would I spend 6 figures USD on a restomod Porsche from Dutchmann in South Africa. Probably wouldn't make it to SA. I'd probably get a $50k new Subaru or VW. But this vid is like museum art on photo & video...finishes, furnishings, color palettes, etc...

Subarus and VWs probably wouldn't run $50k unless they were EV's. Also there are some decent American makes that are $50k & less. What I was getting at & failed to mention was though I couldn't afford these Porsches, it is nice that he does that work. Just taking this moment to view this video was like visiting an art gallery. I am not telling men (who need money and wives) not to buy those very expensive cars Bugattis, Aston Martins, etc. However I am saying that for the everyday practical Muslim a modest and moderate vehicle would probably be along the lines of what the Nabi (saws) would prescribe. Wow, the connections needed for that building process...and that in itself is beautiful...all the people that he puts to work on those car projects. They are putting food on their tables and feeding and clothing their families. In that we can see the benefit, though it is still extravagant.

It is the same thing in building homes. If a person has the knowledge to design and build $50 million plantation estates in Hawaii or estates in South Miami (to sell) then should they not pursue it? Then is it vain to get the know-how of Architecture or Automobile restoration and modification. If we make that know-how vain then do we make the pursuit of knowledge and education vain? I think it is tied to the individual because they have to be very careful about wanting riches and treasures on the Earth as it can cost them the Heavens. It rests on the individual and their relationship with Allah, Charity, etc. I am going to do a blog post to research this topic. I don't claim to know everything so I am going to research it. But I think the Law is that we have to be very careful about amassing great treasure and riches on Earth. It takes careful and difficult considerations in the rich category to return to the Heavens. "Yafrahu Al Muminun." - Surahtul Rumi...something to remember in vids below about the contemporary Romans. Turning something that was scrap metal for the junk yard pile into this is very intelligent. It was headed to the scrap yard.

Another example of this artform and the relevance of education would be Arkonik Defender: Turning something that was scrap metal for the junk yard pile into this is very intelligent. It was headed to the scrap yard.

A few examples of this artform and the relevance of education in the Prefab Home Market that is growing. Modest and affordable living:




Friday, February 4, 2022

We have the right to ask Allah (swt) something.

Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi

ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends.

We have the right to ask Allah (swt) something. Bismi Allahi Yaumul Awwal Wal Yaumul Huwa Wal Yaumul Akhir. Inna Lillahi Wa Innaa Ilaihi Rejeun.

When it comes to someone in the unseen sourcing your spirit and life force for life besides Allah (swt) and His Spirit, then we have someone that is: 1. Ascribing partners to Allah; 2. Blaspheming Allah; and 3. Blaspheming the Holy Spirit (mentioned in Injeel) as it means to be disloyal to the Holy Spirit as source for Spirit wihout worshipping the Holy Spirit. Similar to sourcing water we have to do necessary work in the light to properly make water a source. This work does not mean the worship of water. I venture to say the same thing would apply to the Holy Spirit as source.

So they are in blasphemy or shirk if they are sourcing you for Spirit. We want to ask Allah (swt) about what would get this type of thing far away from us in our strivings to seek faith, righteousness and productivity upon the Earth.

We have, in this case, the right to ask Allah about the ayats: 1. "Those who ascribe partners (blaspheme) Allah are as if they have fallen from the Heavens and been snatched up by a flock of powerful birds or a powerful wind to a far off distant land. They are as if they are being called from a place far distant." 2. Allah (swt) said in the Holy Quran to marry your daughters to male believers. That a believing slave is better than a non-believer and ditto concerning your believeing sons to female believers. He further said, Allah beckons to the Gardens of Bliss, and unbelievers but beckon to the Hellfire. So it appears here that believers are a part of Allah's beckoning to the Gardens of Bliss. 

So if you have someone sourcing your spirit you are going to want for them to fall from your presence as if being snatched away by a flock of powerful birds or a powerful wind to a far off distant land. You are not going to want that to stay in your daily life and spirit.

I don't know much about Wisdom. Al Hakeem. But I can see at least 2 functions maybe a couple more. 1 of them is that Wisdom makes some things more complicated or difficult. And 2 Wisdom makes some things easier or less difficult. We are wanting Wisdome to make "Injustice" more dfficult or "Evil" or the "Darkness of Sin". Those should be more difficult and riddled with complexity. We are wanting Wisdom to make "Justice", "Goodness", and the "Light of Righteousness" to be easier. But there are some people that think being smart or wise is to make everything that they possibly can more difficult and more complex. If working rightouesness in the land is tantamount to unlocking blockchain encrypted algorithmic code each time you do it, then it is just discouraging and hindering from the paths of Allah (swt). Those who want to make Zalimat easier and Salihat harder really are hindering from the paths of Allah Who is the Light...and they have sided with the forces of darkness.

[imgs-Blasphemy, Fallen from heaven, Marry believers, Hindering, Zalimat]