Friday, January 10, 2025

The Ordinance from Allah (swt) to reduce to writing your transactions is a Pure Mercy from Him (swt).


Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi
ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends.

The Ordinance from Allah (swt) to reduce to writing your transactions, agreements, contracts, interests, disinterests, rules of engagements, marriage agreements (with members of the opposite sex by birth), etc. is a Pure Mercy from Him (swt).

Human beings require a human (or rather a divine) courtesy and consideration to be informed of what is going on, and what they are involved in. This requires normal conversation via verbally, email, telephone, direct message, text message, tweet, post, postal mail, etc., and when the transaction is complex or needing to have further details explained then it has to be down on paper, etc. Not by medium, psychic, metaphysics, telepathy, secret arts, witchcraft, communications with the dead or evil spirits, etc. (except what God lets you hear as He allowed the Messiah (epbuh) when the Messiah read the minds of some leaders).

It is a human courtesy to humans to be informed of what they are buying; or what project or business idea is being introduced to them; etc. Just working for a clothing retailer requires metadata of information on materials, 100% cotton or blends, temperature rating, sleeve length, neck size, sweep, petite, regular or tall, regular, big or tall, length of garment, inseam, waist, cuffed or uncuffed, does it have wicking, waterproof, water resistant, care instructions, etc. Working on Architectural software to draw up designs requires BIM or Building Information Modeling which is essentially (that word again) metadata of information on building materials, finishing materials, fabrics, colors, thermal ratings, insulation, fire rating, R-ratings for walls, ceilings and floors, U-rating for windows, passive ratings, specifications and dimensions of all building materials, load ratings, topography, and on and on.

It is a Mercy from Allah that He forbade cohabitation with Jinns (Genies). Humans cannot endure unsolicited and uninvited visitations from Jinns taking unseen presence in their living spaces. That type of travelling and communications is unlawful via the rulings in the Torah mentioned below and further refined when Allah forbade cohabitation with Jinns in Surahtul Jinn Ayah 6 mentioned below. This sheds new light on the enormity of a few controversial Hadiths that assigns Shaitans into your living spaces. Allah (swt) said not to cohabitate with them. The Hadiths are giving them the assignment to watch to see if you miss Fajr. But further our bodies are where we dwell with the Ruh of Allah and Jinns cannot cohabitate with us there either. Those 2 particular Hadiths conflict with Surahtul Jinns 6. We as humans cannot have Jinns floating in and out of our living rooms and living spaces performing and engaging in activities that we did not give license to.

Humans require that things be reduced to writing on transactions receipts, descriptions, specifications, instructions, recipes, etc. But in the least be informed verbally of the new interest or topic. We cannot just segway one topic to another and normal verbal communications did not take place and the other person does not know about the new topic or interest. That is Najwa. The Holy Prophets of God reduced their instructions to writing as, of course, did Allah (swt) Himself Who sent those Holy Prophets (epbut). We get many examples of this najwa listed below. One of note referenced below is when the Messiah said, "I do not know you. Away with those who break the Commands or Laws of God." Meaning people will not understand how the Messiah (epbuh) will know but he will know if the persons were on the Truth and kept to the agreement that was left in writing to them in the Old and the New Testament and if they factored updates from the Quran in their practices of the Gospel.

We have to get back to respecting people who are minding their own business (innocent, not shedding blood through the land, nor spreading mischief through the land, righteous, humble, faithful, productive). Mentioned below regarding the women named Folly and how that ties with Najwa or involving someone in plans that they did not consent to be involved in. Respecting people who are minding their own business with righteous intentions is to respect righteousness itself referencing Nabi Salih (epbut) and the She-Camel. Righteousness itself needs to be allowed to heal, grow and thrive again along with appreciation and respect for it. While the Messiah (epbuh) did say to exceed the Pharisees and Sadducees in righteousness, there is none but God that can cover the righteousness that someone else would have done in life. We always have to assume that we cannot cover the righteousness of another (innocent, etc. above).

Reduce to writing agreements, purchases, contracts, transactions, interests, disinterests, rules of engagements, marriage agreements, divorces, business projects, business ideas, etc. Sometimes we have to divorce or disavow ideas in writing as well, not just spouses of the opposite sex. Beware of pivots, activities, or segways to other topics and interests that weren't on the table. Najwa. Humans have to have their freedom of choice. To say, yes or no to something. Even as it pertains to Allah there is no compulsion in religion or life but likewise, they need to enjoy not compelling others away from Allah. A person cannot enjoy not being compelled to God but also enjoy obstructing to God or compelling away from God.

These 2 graphic notecards on "Reduce to writing".

This graphic notecard on "Unseen mediums, psychics, travelling, metaphysics, communications, etc."

This graphic notecard on "Allah indirectly (by the Jinns who's testimony was permitted by Him to appear in the Quran) but directly telling us cohabitation with Jinns is unlawful"

These 6 graphic notecards on "Najwa - involving someone of faith in plans that they did not consent to be involved in" These 6 were listed together because of how through exploration of these Verses and Hadiths a Fussilat or Expounding on the meaning of Najwa can be gleaned. An example is how Najwa tied to Suhr or magic being worked upon Nabi Muhammad (epbuh) without his (saws) consent. Also how the Messiah (epbuh) tied Najwa to breaking the Commands of God in the remaining Truths of the Bible reduced to writing.

These are the 2 controversial Hadiths that directly conflict with Surahtul Jinns Ayah 6 mentioned above. We don't really freely enjoy the right to send something like that to somebody else's dwelling to mess and trip up that person in their space, life, studies, pursuits, etc. Stop using them for how extremely dangerous they are with Amr. Also spread the salaams and not the curses.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Acts of Worship and Ibadah to God.

Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi
ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends.

We have acts of worship to Allah (swt) or Ibadah, all of which are technically direct, but could be viewed as indirect and direct worship of Him (swt). Example here of direct acts of worship or ibadah to God.

Allah (swt) has indicated in the Gospel and Quran some Laws to Preserve our Sacred Rights to Faith in Him and Worship of Him (swt). Because God does wish to Preserve Faith in Him and Worship of Him (swt). That we as humans and those of the Jinns do not have the right to through hate (anger); intellectual superiority, insult and slander (idiot); nor cursing another of Faith and innocence; cause the loss of Faith and Worship in God (all 3 of those being very destructive to their Faith and lives) as in Gospel Matt 5:21-26. Nor to directly oppose another person's right to Faith and Worship of God as in HQ 96:9-19. Nor in Matt 18:6 deliberately cause someone to lose Faith and Worship in God.

But look below at all these other peaceful acts of Ibadah and these are just some of the others.

Over the years I have made it about a 15-year mission to commemorate the Anbiya of Productivity. Here are a few others of the acts of Ibadah that technically are direct but may be considered by some people as indirect acts of Ibadah. 

Nabi Salih (epbuh) - productivity & righteousness in the land are acts of ibadah to Allah (swt). And Allah (swt) has said that it is the Salihun that shall inherit the Earth. So, it is necessary to take as many lessons from Nabi Salih (epbuh) as is possible to know what Allah (swt) is looking for in that category.

Nabi Shuaybi (epbuh) - measuring with just scales and the rulers giving to the people what is their due are acts of ibadah to Allah (swt).


Nabi Isa (epbuh) - productivity. Fig Tree. 3 Servants handed bags of gold and the ROI are acts of ibadah to Allah (swt). 

Nabi Sulaimon (epbuh) - productivity is mentioned many times in his Proverbs. Here is one.

Nabi Yusuf (epbuh) - Optimal quality of life. Golden Mean. Don't spend to the Maximus but live in Optimus and save (store) what is in excess of Optimus for periods of Minimus (to draw on savings to maintain Optimus) as well as Stores or Markets and Charity as Nabi Yusuf (epbuh) showed us. These are acts of ibadah to Allah (swt). 

Nabi Idris (epbuh) - Study. Education are acts of ibadah to Allah (swt).

Nabi Ibrahim (epbuh) - Fulfilling obligations and engagements are acts of ibadah to Allah (swt).


Nabi Muhammad (epbuh) - Not hindering from the Paths of Allah, Paths of Righteousness are acts of ibadah to Allah (swt).

Nabi Luti (epbuh) - Heterosexuality is an act of Ibadah to Allah. Although not to take place in the Masjids even during Itikaf.

Nabi Muhammad (epbuh) - Working towards the Change (Bariyu) that you seek from Allah (swt) and making the necessary Changes for the Help (Nasiru) that you seek from Allah are acts of Ibadah.

Nabi Muhammad (epbuh) - The Power of Suggestions. Giving good suggestions and recommendations, as well as, supporting good causes are acts of Ibadah to Allah (swt) that will actually manifest good or bad deeds upon the Scales of Judgement for those individuals. And there are more recipes/formulas to explore that are acts of Ibadah to Allah (swt).

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Rich. The Poor. The Laws and Lessons of Ibadah from The Anbiya. The Scales and The Deeds which Prepare us for...The Death and The Day.

Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi

ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends

We suggest to the rich to give to the poor (which mind you they are not compelled to do, and this must remain clear). We do not suggest to the poor to remain poor. We talk to the poor about faith, hope and gratitude to Allah for what is, now and current, and although thin is not worse. We talk about that all blessings, provisions, beautitudes, etc. are in Allah's Hands to distribute or not distribute. We talk about righteousness and productivity, Nabi Salih (epbuh). Please click any of these graphics to enlarge if not legible.

We talk about study, education, discipline, and expertise, Nabi Idris (epbuh). 

We talk about weighing with just scales after fair markups of our products, and the giving to the people the things that are due to them, Nabi Shuaybi (epbuh). 

We talk about living within the Golden Mean or Optimus or Optimal Quality of life and the saving or storing of the excesses in Maximus periods of earnings or sales for use of that excess that was saved in Minimus periods to maintain Optimus throughout both periods, and that trade and charity from those stores or savings were still conducted, Nabi Yusuf (epbuh). 

We talk about fulfilling obligations and engagements, Nabi Ibrahim (epbuh). 

We talk about Allah (swt) marshalling people forward and telling His (swt) Angels (as) to ask the people being marshalled forth, "In what plight were ye on Earth" They answer, "Weak and oppressed." The Angels (as) answer, "Was not My Earth spacious enough for you to move yourselves away from evil? Cast them into Hellfire." For they had been categorized as Zalimun, that due to poverty they succumbed to Zalim. He (swt) will also ask His (swt) Angels (as) to ask, "What is the matter with you? Why didn't ye help one another?" 

We also tell them about Sheba (as) or the Chapter of Sheba, when people asked Allah (swt) to make the journey stages longer that He said in the Ayah prior to this ask what He had done, "We properly measured the distances of the journey stages." But the making of the journey stages longer caused Zalim to grow and they succumbed to become Zalimun. So while Allah (swt) is with the patient ones or Musabirun, Baqarah 153, He (swt) does not prefer making the journey stages of life longer than they naturally should be because it will cultivate Zalim or injustice and that will cultivate desperation. 

We know by the late Hafizul Quran Abdullah Yusuf Ali (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that a defining quality in the meaning of the name of the evil one is desperation. Thus, we do not wish to be cultivators of desperation. Because desperation can be a breeding ground for evil, wickedness and rebelliousness. 

Asking for what is natural is not asking for lavish opulence. It is not advised to live life to the Maximus nor to the Minimus but to the Optimus by Nabi Yusuf (epbuh). This is what I learned from him (as) through the Holy Sacred Nabi Muhammad (epbuh). I will leave the graphic images of these verses if I can. In conclusion we suggest to the rich to give to the poor, but not suggest to the poor to remain poor. But give them hope, the possibilities good and bad, relevance of gratitude and other integral remaining points above. Lastly, in advising the poor to the preparation for death it cannot be in the absence of the mention of the purpose of topic and of faith itself which are the Scales of Judgment and the stacking of good deeds upon them and the not stacking of bad deeds upon them. And to the absolute embrace of all aspects of ibadah mentioned above from the Nabi (saws) and other Holy Anbiya (epbut) although not all of them are mentioned. Nabi Luti (epbuh), for example, and heterosexuality is another measure of preparation for death and the stacking of good deeds in being in complicity with this type of ibadah to Allah (swt) in life. 

So embodying and embracing each of the Sacred Laws and Lessons of the Anbiya (epbut) are preparations for death and the stacking of good deeds upon the Scales in preparation for the Day of Judgment before Allah (swt)

Also, something that we have to beware of in our relations on Earth in preparation for The Day are the Bankruptcies. There are Bankruptcy Ayats (The Hinderings in Muhammad 1, 32. 33, 34 and Bees 88), but I will leave here the Bankruptcy Hadith.