Sunday, December 9, 2018

Zalama Mathala Suhr. Injustice is Equivalent to Magic.

Because of what I am sensing concerning the use of Artificial Intelligence, Watson and my computer I have asked Allah that this type of work and frustration of believing people of faith (especially as it concerns trading online) be considered Zalamat.

Because we are having Zalimun (Unjust, Oppressors, Abusers, Wicked, etc.) that are operating like Sahirin (Magicians), I need to reveal this order that can be requested of Allah (swt).

Basically Zalamat mathala Suhrat. That Injustice (oppression, etc.) is equal to magic (sorcery, witchcraft).

This becomes powerful when we examine Surahtul Baqarah Ayat 102-103 and all of the verses against Magicians in the Holy Bible.

Allah (swt) has said that if a believer reads/proclaims then: 1. He is Most Generous; and 2. He will Protect them from those that mean the person harm. [Reference is Holy Quran.]

Proverbs 17:8 ۞ - A bribe seems to work like magic for those who give it; they succeed in all they do.

Proverbs 17:23 NLT ۞ - The wicked accept secret bribes to pervert justice.

Proverbs 13:23 NLT ۞ - 23 A poor person’s farm may produce much food, but injustice (zalamat) sweeps it all away.

Proverbs 22:8 NLT ۞ - 8 Those who plant (sow the seeds of) injustice (zalama) will harvest disaster, and their reign of terror will come to an end.

Citing here Allah’s Judgment against Magic that, because of those series of Proverbs, now applies to both Zalimun and Sahirin.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Could “Gharrar, Najwa, Laghwa, and Ikraha” be considered as Locks upon the Gates of Heaven for those that use them?

Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi
ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends.
Allahumma Salli Ala Wa Barak Ala Nabi Muhammad Wa Nabi Ibrahim
Inna Lillahi Wa Innaa Ilaihi Rajeun

The believer is one that does not engage in:
  • gharrar (buying & selling when person doesn't know what they've bought or sold) (also means deception);
  • najwa (involving the Nabi or muslim in a plan they know nothing about. Also, called "secret counsels". Sometimes bad even if plan is for good);
  • laghwa (using ambiguous speech) Allah has said that there is no Laghwa in Paradise. {Laghwa means vain talk or obscene language, but, also connotes ambiguity.}
  • ikraha (compulsion in life or religion)
The above 4 things very well could be considered locks upon the Gates of Paradise for those that use them.
[There is a Carvana commercial, and the slogan is "We'll drive you happy." It has a little image of a Halo above a car to symbolize being like a Saint or an Angel. So naturally this is in contrast to "We'll drive you mad, or insane or miserable." with the image of red horns above the car to symbolize a Demon or a Devil (May Allah be refuge. Aoudhubillahi). Something that can be considered a madness, insanity and misery would be Najwa (as well as, Gharrar (deception and the buying and selling of which the buyer and seller know not what was bought or sold), Ikraha and Laghwa) Neither of these are to be found in Jannah. It should be one of the first rules of being a Salesman to effectively communicate the facts about the product or idea and leave people their freedom and right to say yes or no to the product or idea. To accept no for an answer. Ikraha (compulsion) and Najwa (involving the believer in plans that they did not consent to be involved in) is under the umbrella of possession as by evil principalities. Allah (swt) said that it was unlawful to practice Najwa upon the Nabi (saws) with the exception of for goodness and righteousness. The Nabi (leads) to Jannah and if Allah (swt) said do not do something to the Nabi then that thing forbidden does not lead to Jannah. Allah speaking about Laghwa was referencing Jannah, so Laghwa is not permitted there. As regards Ikraha, Allah (swt) said, "La Ikraha Fie Deeni" There is no compulsion in the religion or way of Islam. The Deen leads to Jannah, thus what is not permitted in the Deen does not lead to Jannah. We should accept the observation by Carvana that to drive believing Muslim friends to madness, insanity or misery is to be an indicator of a Demon or Devil (Aoudhubillahi). Najwa is averted by effective communication about the product or idea and leaving the listener their option and right to say yes or no. There was someone that said to me and many in a tweet, "Why use so many words when only using a few will do the trick?" We need to be clear and effective in communicating products and ideas that we want to sell other people on.]


"Turnest thou not thy sight towards those who were forbidden secret counsels (najwa) yet revert to that which they were forbidden (to do)? And they hold secret counsels among themselves for iniquity and hostility, and disobedience to the Apostle. And when they come to thee, they salute thee, not as God salutes thee, (but in crooked ways): And they say to themselves, "Why does not God punish us for our words?" Enough for them is Hell: In it will they burn, and evil is that destination! O ye who believe! When ye hold secret counsel (najwa), do it not for iniquity and hostility, and disobedience to the Prophet; but do it for righteousness and self- restraint; and fear God, to Whom ye shall be brought back. Secret counsels (najwa) are only (inspired) by the Evil One, in order that he may cause grief to the Believers; but he cannot harm them in the least, except as God permits; and on God let the Believers put their trust."~Holy Quran 58:8-10
It is probably safe to say that the only ones that are free to practice Najwa would be Allah (swt) Himself and His Malaika (Angels). There is a condition that Allah (swt) has given in which the practice of Najwa would be permissible, and that is when it is being done for righteousness, self-restraint, and fear of Allah. But, not for iniquity and hostility. You have to imagine that there are occasions in which someone could use najwa for good and it still be an oppression and imposition upon the one involuntarily involved. That would be when it is involving the resources of someone not knowing, and it places undue strain and hurt upon them, even though it was for good, the person that was uninformed may have suffered. Again it means to involve someone in plans that they did not give the other persons permission to involve them in; to practice secret counsel (again involving someone that is not knowing); and to do things in secret involving someone unbeknownst to them. If it could not be practiced on the Prophet (saws) then it is safe to say that it is not lawful to practice on his (saws) following.


‎"Muslim relates from Abu Hurairah that, "The Messenger (saws) of Allah (swt) prohibited sales of whatever a pebble thrown by the seller hits and sales in which there is a chance of risk (gharrar - deception)" (Nasir al-Mutarriza)

Gharrar is chance or risk meaning it is not known whether it will come to be or not, such as selling fish in the water or birds on the wing. It includes transactions of unknown things, the particulars of which are not fully comprehended by the buyer and seller (al Mughrib fi tartib al-Mur'rib (y94), 2.100).

Gharrar (Deception) is also mentioned at Holy Quran 7:22, "So by deceit (bi ghuruwr) he brought about their fall: when they tasted of the tree, their shameful parts became manifest to them, and they began to sew together the leaves of the Garden over their bodies. And their Lord called unto them: "Did I not forbid you that tree, and tell you that Satan (May Allah be eternal refuge.) was an avowed enemy unto you?"


Laghwa - “They shall there exchange, one with another, a (loving) cup free of frivolity, free of all taint of ill.” ~ Surahtul Turi Ayat 23


Another thing that could be considered a lock on the gates of Paradise is Ikraha or compelling others in life and faith. The using of compulsion has been made forbidden. Even Allah (swt) Himself has said, If it had been thy Lord’s will, they would all have believed,- all who are on earth! wilt thou then compel mankind, against their will, to believe! ~ Surahtul Yunus Ayat 99
Further it is spoken:

Why is this important? Because a few of these things are branches of possession and are extremely unjust when used against a believer. Because you don’t want to be placed in the category of beings that practice possession. Because you don’t want someone or some being compelling you. Because if he has instructed us not to do them, or has said that it is not found in Paradise, then it can be deduced that doing them does not lead to Paradise, and so are locks upon the Gates of the Heavens for those that do them.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Addendum to Previous Note on Productivity. You should like this one, and what I petition Allah for in it.

Continued from this Note below on Productivity for Spiritual Health. What else constitutes worship of Allah?

Once we are able to establish that Righteousness and Productivity are a form of worship to Allah (swt) something emerges. I explore this thought in this graphic.

Once we establish that “Fulfilling Engagements and Obligations” (e.g. righteousness, productivity, engagements, obligations) is another form of an act of worship to Allah (swt), then we are able to seek of Allah (swt) for the fulfillment of the Ayats of Surahtul Alaq (Chapter 96 of Quran) against those who are oppressing in the areas of "Fulfilling Engagements and Obligations":
  • Seest thou one who forbids—
  • A votary when he (turns) to pray?
  • Seest thou if he is on (the road of) Guidance?
  • Or enjoins Righteousness?
  • Seest thou if he denies (Truth) and turns away?
  • Knoweth he not that God doth see?
  • Let him beware! If he desist not, We will drag him by the forelock,—
  • A lying, sinful forelock!
  • Then, let him call (for help) to his council (of comrades):
  • We will call on the angels of punishment (to deal with him)!
~ Surahtul Alaq (96) Ayats 9-18
Look at the Supreme Logic of the questioning that Allah (swt) poses to such a person. Allah asks them 4 Questions:
  • Seest thou one who forbids— [Dost thou forbid someone devoted to Me from worshiping Me?]
  • A votary when he (turns) to pray?
  • Seest thou if he is on (the road of) Guidance? [Dost thou bring Guidance or better Guidance?]
  • Or enjoins Righteousness? [Dost thou enjoin Righteousness or better Righteousness?]
  • Seest thou if he denies (Truth) and turns away? [Dost thou then go through all of this, with blocking My subject, only to deny or reject the Truth and turn away?]
~ Surahtul Alaq (96) Ayats 9-13
We definitely need Surahtul Alaq to apply to situations of a muslim worshiping in the Masjid or their Musalla at home or out in nature, but also definitely need it to be applicable to the acts of worship (ibadah) found in righteousness, productivity and pursuing the bounties of Allah (swt). Because that is how men and women are able to take care of themselves, their nuclear families (or assist their extended families), their children, their spouses...or even start families in the first place. Whether it is getting married and having the dowry or maintaining an acceptable level and standard of life to bring a spouse into. But, also this is how a person earns the means to give in Charity, which is also an act of ibadah (worship) to Allah (swt).
May Allah (swt) accept my dua to Him that Surahtul Alaq Ayats 9-18 be applicable to these additional acts of worship (ibadah) and all acts of obedience to the Holy Quran in service to Allah (His Mercy, His Justice, His Righteousness, His Truth, etc), Who is our God, the Creator and Lord Almighty. Ameen.
May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon those who stand as servants of Your Justice, Your Mercy, Your Truth, Your servants of Yours, to the assistance of others of Faith in Thee...especially to those who’s stands have assisted and benefited me. Because we need such people to have continuity O’Allah. We need them to continue to do those types of things for others of Faith, and the Poor, as well. Ameen.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Further Expounding On Surahtul Anfali Ayat 58...and Example

Surahtul Anfali Ayat 58

I just have to make another comment about this verse. Look at how brilliant Allah (swt) is. There is an issue. The 3 Abrahamic Faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, each essentially, and predominantly rejects the Holy Books of the other two. Each rejects the Holy Books of the other two. So Allah (swt) renders this Ruling obviously knowing this would happen in advance. What it does is gives an order to "throw back their covenant to them" which requires researching your Holy Book, as well as, the Holy Books of the other 2 Abrahamic Faiths in order to do a "throw back" or reminder. Sometimes we have to "throw back" to another sect of Islam, or to a branch(es) of people that follow the Bible. One has to read them in order to remind others of what is in them. Of course, we in Islam lead with the Holy Quran so any verses from Bible that contradicts a Verse of Quran, then the Quran overrules them obviously. I would suggest about 4 years of study of the Quran prior to researching the Bible. Because you would have to be well versed on what Allah is saying has been altered or abrogated in the Bible. Nevertheless, this ayat at Surahtul Anfali Ayat 58 is the Highest Wisdom and Brilliance. And it is essentially an Order or Ruling to each of the 3 Abrahamic Faiths. Making it so that each have to consult the Holy Books of the other 2.

Therefore if Allah ordered me to "...Throw back their Covenant to them so as to be on equal terms..." then, I am like, 
Please feel free to use this link and video as much and as often as you like. Especially with "Thou Shalt Not Murder"; "Thou Shalt Not Steal"; "Thou Shalt Not Covet"; Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" situations. Again if you find yourself in a situation that you need to remind someone of their Covenant with Allah, then you can use what is clearly still Truth from the Kitab, post them this. 

Also...Many of us come from families where there are little to no other muslims in the family. Then send them a gift and reminder like this one. Can they be placed on shirts?

Proverbs 6:21 NLT
21 Keep their words always in your heart. Tie them around your neck. 22 When you walk, their counsel will lead you. When you sleep, they will protect you. When you wake up, they will advise you. 23 For their command is a lamp and their instruction a light; their corrective discipline is the way to life. 

Proverbs 7:3 NLT
1 Follow my advice, my son; always treasure my commands. 2 Obey my commands and live! Guard my instructions as you guard your own eyes. 3 Tie them on your fingers as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart.

Deuteronomy 11:18 NLT
18 “So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders.

I have info on how you can make 15% on the sale of my shirts, mugs, totes and posters. This is my store:

Insha Allah, I will have more Islamic Tees in the store in the coming weeks.

This is how you can get 15% on the sale of my shirts, etc. In the vids I explain about joining a group, and about and a little about Bonfire. It is in the information about Zazzle in the 2nd video that I explain how to get 15% as an Associate for selling my shirts, etc. What is 15%? Well if you get 10,000 - 100,000 online to buy my shirts then, 15% of those sales are about $50,000 to $500,000. That is some good money for just referring. Sometimes we have groups of 100,000 to 1 million people that we are in online. Then is when it is possible to see 10,000 orders of shirts come in.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Mecca Khutbah - Incitement

Bismillah Al Rahmani Al Raheemi Incitement Sheikh Saud Ash Shuraim Khutbah From Masjidul Haram City of Mecca Shaban 2018 The Good and Truth of this is from Allah (swt); the Bad and False of this is from the speaker. May Allah bless the speaker for conveying the Good and Truth. May Allah bless me for relaying the Good and Truth of this. May Allah bless the translator for his service. May Allah bless the one who renders Sign Language in the video presentation of the Jumuah Salaat. Tee-shirts and Hoodies of the Background Image can be found at :

Refugee porn is a heart-breaking thing trending

Refugee porn is a heart-breaking thing trending and reality in Germany. We have to factor in money and wealth creation for the commonwealth, welfare and well-being of the members of the community. However, we just cannot do so to the sacrifice of the life in the hereafter. We are supposed to manage our affairs and obligations, however. But, when a person sees Syrian Women refugees (eyes like doves) being used in porn movies, to make money, I think of Nobel Peace Laureate social entrepreneur, banker, economist, and civil society leader  Muhammad Yunus (and just how beautiful his striving has been) and Bangladesh and how even though they are critically poor in Bangladesh...they mitigate uncivilized activities from becoming the norm with the likes of a Muhammad Yunus.

If someone does away with the concept of productivity and righteous works, then there is a nullification of the existence of the term, "oppression". When there is a nullification of the concept of oppression then one cannot see an "oppressor', because they have lost the concept of oppression due to the loss of the concept of productivity. There are many things that are indicators of loss of productivity. Some of them include laziness, lack of training, lack of rest days or too much work, but, also oppression (in the spirit and in the flesh which can take the form of discrimination, monopolization, and greed). God spoke firmly against oppression. But if there is no concept of productivity, then there is no identification of oppression. One of the main problems about Pharaoh is that he is an oppressor. But, cannot forget that there are female people of Pharaoh that more than likely will oppress the heck out of someone, as well. Al Masihu Isa (as) Nabi Salih (as) Nabi Musa (as) Nabi Harun (as) and Nabi Muhammed (as), in my eyes, will be valid until the Day of Judgment and beyond.

Definitely not judging them. The part on productivity and oppression was against a mentality we may sometimes slip into. That the reason we have to work is to keep away oppression, fulfill obligations, give in charity, etc. Muhammed Yunus got a Nobel Peace Prize for coming up with the solution of micro-financing. They were small loans for businesses mostly involving women. He founded a bank from scratch. There may be some issue around whether the loans were fee-based or interest-based...I did not conclude either when I searched.

By World Economic Forum -, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

There is a need to learn from this man.

Google+ Group - Summarizing my t-shirts, totes, coffee mugs, and posters efforts

Bismillahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi

Going to try to summarize an effort that I have been working on in 6+ parts. It is a lot. So, give yourself a few minutes to sit down and really look at what I am saying here, I know that you will like this, insha Allah.

Point 1/6 I have to put together at least a 6 part post to explain what has been happening. If you have a few minutes you'd like what I saying in this. Check each.

My modifications to "Keep Calm and Carry On" slogan. 

Coffee/Tea Cup/Mug

Tap Your Inner Women's Mug
Tap Your Inner Women's Mug
by Art_To_Constructs

Point 2/6 Totes, as well. These are 3 types of totes insha Allah. Regular tote. A Jumbo tote. A Grocery tote. I have 12 different art pieces on them. But, you can choose any of my art and photos and customize any tote. I am showing 3 tote styles here. Please check store.

Single 12 Rosette with Bismillah Grocery Tote
Single 12 Rosette with Bismillah Grocery Tote
by Art_To_Constructs

Point 3/6 The Google+ Group URL: is called "Islamic Zazzle and Bonfire Pooling Group"
Please join need about 100,000+ to join. Reason in next 2 vids. The idea behind it is to get 100,000+ of us to all shop a featured artist from the group via Zazzle or Bonfire each month. That would produce 1 millionaire per month, and at least 12 millionaires per year...for the purpose of starting businesses in their communities. This would help to mitigate oppression, help to fulfill obligations and engagements, help in charity efforts within our families and communities, and reflect beautifully on the greater Islamic presence, as a whole.

Point 4/6 View these 2 explanation videos that will explain what it is I would like to see happen. Although the videos are about the Facebook Group they are being shown here for the Google+ Group
Vid 1 – Group Invite 1: Check this out for art that you want to buy & sell. Join this Facebook Group. The Group Description explains this group. Retweet. Want 100k to join the group.

Point 5/6 Vid 2 Group Invite 2: Here I am explaining more about Zazzledotcom. If a text portion in the vid changes to the next text portion too fast (before you have completed reading it), then please pause and enlarge screen if needed.

Point 6/6 My store: It is as it is spoken. Trying to work with art to get to doing remodeling and flipping houses. This is my store. We have great discount sales. The Sales Discounts are sometimes 40-50% off. That would make it so that the 100,000+ could buy from 2 persons in that month. Please post in your groups. Accepts Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Paypal.

Point 7 Explanation. Also, I would just ask that for those that decide that they do not want to join the group but instead form their own group and implement the idea I would like to ask my store have 1 successful feature month in the group within the first 3 features or months...for giving you the idea.

Summarizing my t-shirts, totes, coffee mugs, and posters efforts

Bismillahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi

Going to try to summarize an effort that I have been working on in 6+ parts. It is a lot. So, give yourself a few minutes to sit down and really look at what I am saying here, I know that you will like this, insha Allah.

Point 1/6 I have to put together at least a 6 part post to explain what has been happening. If you have a few minutes you'd like what I saying in this. Check each.

My modifications to "Keep Calm and Carry On" slogan. 

Coffee/Tea Cup/Mug

Tap Your Inner Women's Mug
Tap Your Inner Women's Mug
by Art_To_Constructs

Point 2/6 Totes, as well. These are 3 types of totes insha Allah. Regular tote. A Jumbo tote. A Grocery tote. I have 12 different art pieces on them. But, you can choose any of my art and photos and customize any tote. I am showing 3 tote styles here. Please check store.

Single 12 Rosette with Bismillah Grocery Tote
Single 12 Rosette with Bismillah Grocery Tote
by Art_To_Constructs

Point 3/6 The Facebook Group URL: is called “Pooling for Zazzle & Bonfire websites. Online Selling of Prints, Tees...
Please join need about 100,000+ to join. Reason in next 2 vids. The idea behind it is to get 100,000+ of us to all shop a featured artist from the group via Zazzle or Bonfire each month. That would produce 1 millionaire per month, and at least 12 millionaires per year...for the purpose of starting businesses in their communities. This would help to mitigate oppression, help to fulfill obligations and engagements, help in charity efforts within our families and communities, and reflect beautifully on the greater Islamic presence, as a whole.

Point 4/6 View these 2 explanation videos that will explain what it is I would like to see happen.
Vid 1 – Group Invite 1: Check this out for art that you want to buy & sell. Join this Facebook Group. The Group Description explains this group. Retweet. Want 100k to join the group.

Point 5/6 Vid 2 Group Invite 2: Here I am explaining more about Zazzledotcom. If a text portion in the vid changes to the next text portion too fast (before you have completed reading it), then please pause and enlarge screen if needed.

Point 6/6 My store: It is as it is spoken. Trying to work with art to get to doing remodeling and flipping houses. This is my store. We have great discount sales. The Sales Discounts are sometimes 40-50% off. That would make it so that the 100,000+ could buy from 2 persons in that month. Please post in your groups. Accepts Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Paypal.

Point 7 Explanation. Also, I would just ask that for those that decide that they do not want to join the group but instead form their own group and implement the idea I would like to ask my store have 1 successful feature month in the group within the first 3 features or months...for giving you the idea.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Mecca Khutbah - Revering The Inviolable Months

Bismillah Al Rahmani Al Raheemi Revering the Inviolable Months Sheikh Usamah Khayaat Khutbah From Masjidul Haram City of Mecca Rajab 2018 The Good and Truth of this is from Allah (swt); the Bad and False of this is from the speaker. May Allah bless the speaker for conveying the Good and Truth. May Allah bless me for relaying the Good and Truth of this. May Allah bless the translator for his service. May Allah bless the one who renders Sign Language in the video presentation of the Jumuah Salaat. Tee-shirts and Hoodies of the Background Image can be found at :