ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends.
[Aoudhubillahi x ∞]
If someone(s) keeps saying to you Al Jehanum Alaikum to you, especially in secret. Is this not an unfortunate reality? I am not rehearsing these hadiths to get you riled up. It is for the purpose of establishing the unfortunate reality that not everyone likes us and some go so far as to curse us and some go so far as to curse us with Hell-wishes. My main point is that this flies against established tradition and the Wisdom in the story of the Wise Men that visited Al Masihu Isa Ibn Maryam (epbut) bearing prayers and gifts, and that this is a standard for Wisdom in dealing with men and women of Faith in Allah. Thus, the point is not to send you off hating against Jews or Quraishi people because nowadays it could be anyone cursing or hating like this, but to takeaway a calm response and understanding of how to cope with anyone wishing Hell upon you. Because some of us Muslims in America may even have members of their own family, friends, neighbors, scholars, or people like this. So again this is about someone (not necessarily Jewish or Quaishi) that is mysteriously cursing you everyday, type thing (and doesn't understand that true people of Faith invoke God for blessings upon one another).
I start off with an example from Hadiths:
Narrated `Abdullah bin Mulaika:
`Aisha said that the Jews came to the Prophet (saws) and said, "As-Samu 'Alaikum" (death be on you). `Aisha said (to them), "(Death) be on you, and may Allah curse you and shower His wrath upon you!" The Prophet (saws) said, "Be calm, O `Aisha ! You should be kind and lenient, and beware of harshness and Fuhsh (i.e. bad words)." She said (to the Prophet), "Haven't you heard what they (Jews) have said?" He said, "Haven't you heard what I have said (to them)? I said the same to them, and my invocation against them will be accepted while theirs against me will be rejected (by Allah). "
Narrated 'Abdullah:
While the Prophet (saws) was in the state of prostration, surrounded by a group of people from Quraish pagans. 'Uqba bin Abi Mu'ait came and brought the intestines of a camel and threw them on the back of the Prophet . The Prophet did not raise his head from prostration till Fatima (i.e. his daughter) came and removed those intestines from his back, and invoked evil on whoever had done (the evil deed). The Prophet said, "O Allah! Destroy the chiefs of Quraish, O Allah! Destroy Abu Jahl bin Hisham, 'Utba bin Rabi'a, Shaiba bin Rabi'a. 'Uqba bin Abi Mu'ait 'Umaiya bin Khalaf (or Ubai bin Kalaf)." Later on I saw all of them killed during the battle of Badr and their bodies were thrown into a well except the body of Umaiya or Ubai, because he was a fat person, and when he was pulled, the parts of his body got separated before he was thrown into the well.
1. A powerful consolation and coping mechanism that I have used for years now. Essentially I approach Allah (swt) in my petition to Him against those that pray or bring hell to me in the Spiritual and Material existences (of course with the exceptions of Allah (swt) and His Holy Angels, His Prophets, His Books because it would not advance our cause to invoke God to condemn Himself or His Angels, His Prophets, His Books which some evil lawyers do attempt to do.) But I essentially have based my petition to Allah (swt), over the years, against Hell-wishers on these points. It is an unfortunate reality and just being informed and somewhat prepared with a virtuous way to petition Allah against these types of people will save you years of grief. Because there are some that are about this that will never change.
2. Wise Men - The importance of praying for a person of Faith in Allah. [Wise Men graphic.] This point is to underscore the importance of praying for people of Faith. Many of the people that profess to be of the Holy Bible do not see this sign. The Wise Men when they came to the Messiah (as), the man of God, they bore him gifts.
3. Proverb of Nabi Sulaimon (as) "The Wicked cannot rest until they have caused someone to stumble."
Nabi Sulaimon (as) said in a Proverb, "Proverbs 4:16 NLT ☼ ☼ - "for evil people cannot sleep until they have done their evil deed for the day. They cannot rest unless they have caused someone to stumble."
This appears to suggest that they find rest and satisfaction in doing evil. That it appeases their discomforts in the spiritual and material existences. Therefore they are vested in the path of evil. The problem with this is that it ties into creates a frequency of evil occurrences.
4. Zalimun want to be able to do this on a regular basis, if not daily basis...that is bring Hell to you or wish Hell upon you...or make their Hell your burden. This is a reiteration of the frequency issue, that Zalimun wish to do evil on a daily basis or an established regularity. The rich justice of this is that they fall into the category of Zalimun through this. The Holy Quran and Holy Bible have well established rulings or fatwas against Zalimun that truly are something to rejoice over and Praise and Glorify Allah (swt) for revealing and providing for us of Faith in Him (swt).
5. In sum, let me save you years if not decades of torment, afflictions, grief, confusion and maybe even medications. When you have felt it in the Spirit as true that someone has cursed or wished Hell upon you; and when someone wishes Hell upon you, or prays it on you, or curses you (along with other Hell-bound curses), or makes attempts upon your livelihood, then simply in a calm way; or even unbekownst to the assailants; or even as a dua to Allah (swt) pray, "Wa Alaikum" or "Wa Alaikum Al Jehanum to you, as well." I must add here why curses are equivalent to murder from Matthew 5:21-26. This combined with the Ayat of Quran, "The penalty for intentionally killing a believer is Jehanum." makes the case for why you reply that greeting with, "Wa Alaikum" or "Wa Alaikum Al Jehanum upon you, as well." So just return the greeting, and source Allah's Rulings in the Holy Verses of Scriptures. I try to share gifts of knowledge the likes of which I wish people would share with me. Insha Allah. The 2 graphics below working together are pure Heavenly miracles. In that cursing is being made tantamount to murder. Therefore, calmly make dua to Allah (swt) and be careful not to curse innocent people of Faith.
I could go quickly into why there is restitution (a lawsuit) when Matthew 5:21-26 says "until they have paid the last penny", and that is because curses can be like someone brandishing a weapon. It could be like getting away with bringing severe harm or even getting away with the murder of someone without any proof (specifically why the Messiah referenced a likeness to murder in first sentence of Matt 5:21-26). It is like the one cursing commits murder, impacts the victim's livelihood, reputation, wealth, status, social, marital, educational, familial, communal, etc., and so that is why the restitution (or lawsuit) of Matthew 5:21-26 "until they have paid the last penny". This is another tremendously valuable Law with the Messiah (as), in addition to the Golden Rule, be careful of cursing; be careful of cursing, be careful of cursing. This echos Nabi Muhammad's (saws) lesson to "Spread the Salaams" which is to essentially beware of cursing.
Narrated `Abdullah bin Mulaika:
`Aisha said that the Jews came to the Prophet (saws) and said, "As-Samu 'Alaikum" (death be on you). `Aisha said (to them), "(Death) be on you, and may Allah curse you and shower His wrath upon you!" The Prophet (saws) said, "Be calm, O `Aisha ! You should be kind and lenient, and beware of harshness and Fuhsh (i.e. bad words)." She said (to the Prophet), "Haven't you heard what they (Jews) have said?" He said, "Haven't you heard what I have said (to them)? I said the same to them, and my invocation against them will be accepted while theirs against me will be rejected (by Allah). "
Narrated 'Abdullah:
While the Prophet (saws) was in the state of prostration, surrounded by a group of people from Quraish pagans. 'Uqba bin Abi Mu'ait came and brought the intestines of a camel and threw them on the back of the Prophet . The Prophet did not raise his head from prostration till Fatima (i.e. his daughter) came and removed those intestines from his back, and invoked evil on whoever had done (the evil deed). The Prophet said, "O Allah! Destroy the chiefs of Quraish, O Allah! Destroy Abu Jahl bin Hisham, 'Utba bin Rabi'a, Shaiba bin Rabi'a. 'Uqba bin Abi Mu'ait 'Umaiya bin Khalaf (or Ubai bin Kalaf)." Later on I saw all of them killed during the battle of Badr and their bodies were thrown into a well except the body of Umaiya or Ubai, because he was a fat person, and when he was pulled, the parts of his body got separated before he was thrown into the well.
1. A powerful consolation and coping mechanism that I have used for years now. Essentially I approach Allah (swt) in my petition to Him against those that pray or bring hell to me in the Spiritual and Material existences (of course with the exceptions of Allah (swt) and His Holy Angels, His Prophets, His Books because it would not advance our cause to invoke God to condemn Himself or His Angels, His Prophets, His Books which some evil lawyers do attempt to do.) But I essentially have based my petition to Allah (swt), over the years, against Hell-wishers on these points. It is an unfortunate reality and just being informed and somewhat prepared with a virtuous way to petition Allah against these types of people will save you years of grief. Because there are some that are about this that will never change.
2. Wise Men - The importance of praying for a person of Faith in Allah. [Wise Men graphic.] This point is to underscore the importance of praying for people of Faith. Many of the people that profess to be of the Holy Bible do not see this sign. The Wise Men when they came to the Messiah (as), the man of God, they bore him gifts.
- They brought blessings through prayers. This is to mean that they invoked God for blessings upon the Messiah (as) [Al Masihu Isa Ibn Maryam (as)]. That is instead of coming to the Messiah with requisitions; instead of coming to him with curses and damnation; and instead of praying to him for gifts (again those asks), they bore him gifts through prayer and invocation to Allah. The connection of those things to men and women of Faith in Allah (swt) that are, obviously, not Prophets is when the Messiah taught, "if you have done this to the least of these my followers then you have done it unto me." (Although trade is lawful between people of faith - Surahtul Nisa Ayat 29) as opposed to exchanges and hyperactivity in the spirit. Loyalty to Allah and His Holy Spirit are Cardinal Laws for Sourcing the Spirit and Spirit Activity.). Or, when he taught, "A student shares the teacher's fate, and a servant shares the master's fate." both scenarios have the potential to be bittersweet. Now this then connects to the importance of, in the least, praying for people of Faith. People in both Books have this instruction those that accept it are like the Wise Men. This is one of the ways that Allah (swt) can shower His Blessings upon entire communities. On how to give to the Messiah, I will reference the "Good Teacher" passage of the Gospel (Injeel) when someone came to him and said, "Good teacher how can I obtain eternal life?" The passage begins it's closure with the Messiah (as) saying, "If you want to be perfect go and sell all of your possessions and give the money away to the poor and then come and follow me." Thus, to give to the Messiah is tied to giving to the poor and needy in charity. Although, I will caution against giving away all of your wealth and thus becoming a charity condition yourselves. The only ones that could probably advise another to give away all of their wealth would be an actual Prophet, however, any person of faith can remind to give some of person's wealth in Charity.
- They brought gold.
- They brought Frankincense.
- They brought Myrrh.
3. Proverb of Nabi Sulaimon (as) "The Wicked cannot rest until they have caused someone to stumble."
Nabi Sulaimon (as) said in a Proverb, "Proverbs 4:16 NLT ☼ ☼ - "for evil people cannot sleep until they have done their evil deed for the day. They cannot rest unless they have caused someone to stumble."
This appears to suggest that they find rest and satisfaction in doing evil. That it appeases their discomforts in the spiritual and material existences. Therefore they are vested in the path of evil. The problem with this is that it ties into creates a frequency of evil occurrences.
4. Zalimun want to be able to do this on a regular basis, if not daily basis...that is bring Hell to you or wish Hell upon you...or make their Hell your burden. This is a reiteration of the frequency issue, that Zalimun wish to do evil on a daily basis or an established regularity. The rich justice of this is that they fall into the category of Zalimun through this. The Holy Quran and Holy Bible have well established rulings or fatwas against Zalimun that truly are something to rejoice over and Praise and Glorify Allah (swt) for revealing and providing for us of Faith in Him (swt).
5. In sum, let me save you years if not decades of torment, afflictions, grief, confusion and maybe even medications. When you have felt it in the Spirit as true that someone has cursed or wished Hell upon you; and when someone wishes Hell upon you, or prays it on you, or curses you (along with other Hell-bound curses), or makes attempts upon your livelihood, then simply in a calm way; or even unbekownst to the assailants; or even as a dua to Allah (swt) pray, "Wa Alaikum" or "Wa Alaikum Al Jehanum to you, as well." I must add here why curses are equivalent to murder from Matthew 5:21-26. This combined with the Ayat of Quran, "The penalty for intentionally killing a believer is Jehanum." makes the case for why you reply that greeting with, "Wa Alaikum" or "Wa Alaikum Al Jehanum upon you, as well." So just return the greeting, and source Allah's Rulings in the Holy Verses of Scriptures. I try to share gifts of knowledge the likes of which I wish people would share with me. Insha Allah. The 2 graphics below working together are pure Heavenly miracles. In that cursing is being made tantamount to murder. Therefore, calmly make dua to Allah (swt) and be careful not to curse innocent people of Faith.
I could go quickly into why there is restitution (a lawsuit) when Matthew 5:21-26 says "until they have paid the last penny", and that is because curses can be like someone brandishing a weapon. It could be like getting away with bringing severe harm or even getting away with the murder of someone without any proof (specifically why the Messiah referenced a likeness to murder in first sentence of Matt 5:21-26). It is like the one cursing commits murder, impacts the victim's livelihood, reputation, wealth, status, social, marital, educational, familial, communal, etc., and so that is why the restitution (or lawsuit) of Matthew 5:21-26 "until they have paid the last penny". This is another tremendously valuable Law with the Messiah (as), in addition to the Golden Rule, be careful of cursing; be careful of cursing, be careful of cursing. This echos Nabi Muhammad's (saws) lesson to "Spread the Salaams" which is to essentially beware of cursing.
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