Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Series of Confirmation Ayats of the Holy and Sacred Quran

Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends Series of Confirmation Ayats. Confirmations regarding the Current Revelation and the Previous Revelation. Namely that the Quran confirms what is still Truth in the Bible. Meaning that the Quran should be the lens through which the Bible is studied. If anyone decides that they would like to study the Bible I would suggest 4 years of intensive study of Quran first. Please see entire Gallery of Ayats. #Quran #Torah #Injeel #Zaburi #Laws #Gospel #Proverbs #Psalms #ArticlesOfFaith #BeliefInBooks #BeliefInMessengers

Some people it is just not a good to go to them with excessive quarreling, etc. they may be old, poor, sick, former prisoners, etc. We are of different colors and hues as neighbors and there is no need to belittle each other based on those differences in colors and hues, etc.

Some people it is just not a good to go to them with excessive quarreling, etc. they may be old, poor, sick, former prisoners, etc.

I forgot to add this Ayah to the 25+ Ayats in my above. Allah (swt) mentioned a Garden for the Hafizeen. That series of graphics above point in the direction of Salihun, Muttaqun and Hafizun.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Not Everything Secret Do We Want To Be Involved In. On Najwa, Suhr, and Jessi

Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi
ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends
If someone comes to you and hands you a business card and says, "I can help you do everything in secret, and you should do everything in secret. Secret arts. Secret agreements. Hey, see that random person over there across the street I can help you have a secret agreement with them without them even knowing about it. Secret counsels. Spying. I got you covered on all things secret. Here take my card and give me a call and we will discuss the rates." Don't take the card. Or take the card and just go home and burn it. Do not give them your phone number or address. God teaches us in His Holy Books to stay away from secret arts (magic, sorcery, witchcraft (suhr, jibt, and taghut)); secret counsels (which is involving someone in plans that they have no idea that they are involved in known as najwa); secret agreements are spoken against when God says reduce all of your business transactions to writing and let a scribe record the agreement in Surahtul Baqarah and witnesses if need be; and spy not on people of faith in God.
While I was growing up (though Voodoo was not mentioned much on tv, that and my family though from Chicago originally came from Louisiana) Voodoo was something that frightened they hell out of most people. There would be a scene in a movie of Black people in Louisiana wearing white at night. Looking like a religious cult. The camera angle would be angled and zooming in and out, and they'd be standing like this is a warning don't eat anything tomato sauce based that comes from us. But really what was frightening as hell back in them days to the viewer (although I could not put into words at the time) was that the practice of Voodoo seemed to be done unbeknownst to the one it was practiced on. Like it was a jack or something. The victim did not even want it, or ask for it...wasn't buying and minding their own business. And that was the "Dayaag" moment. Magic being performed on someone like a jack that was not seeking it. So it was like Najwa combined with Suhr. This is something in Hadiths that happened to Prophet Muhammed (saws). I will include a couple of those Hadiths in the included graphics.
Many of these things are happening today, even online cyberhacking, cyberstalking, spying on you (obtaining your personal information) or as you're walking down the street minding own business someone intentionally germs you with a COVID19 cough or stick of some other germ or virus they have Voodoo weaponized. But, God Sees everything and we can call on Him for His Help against these types of things. Although, there is no doubt that the COVID19 Plague is from God, along with the Locusts Plague, Drought 2012-2016, Citrus Greening in 2014, Deadly Tornadoes of 2011, Destructive Hurricanes, Wildfires...was just reviewing all of our natural disasters since 2010.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Must not Blaspheme God, but also Must not Blaspheme the Holy Spirit

Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi
ASA WR WB to believing Muslim Friends:

Will have to click to enlarge the vid. I did not provide Audio and it must be Read.

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Will have to click to enlarge the vid. I did not provide Audio and it must be Read.

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Sometimes when we are listening in the Spirit to music and it becomes excessive or something else happening excessively in the the measure is too much, or too great, and not natural...not a delightful measure, then it could be because someone may have tapped into the spirit of someone else besides Allah's (swt) Spirit, or it could be Suhr. This happens and many times it is not the music itself. I had to try to figure out what are my rights against this happening in the unseen. I identified something Al Masihu Isa Ibn Maryam (as) said. He said, "Thou shalt not blaspheme the Holy Spirit. It will never be forgiven you." It took me many years to understand what was mean't. I first had to reference what blasphemy against Allah (swt) is. It is to ascribe partners to Him (swt). Which means the person set up another or others as gods besides Him. This also means they are then being disloyal to Him. So then I moved back to the verse from the Messiah and realized that to be disloyal to the Holy Spirit is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. That means no one can source other than the Holy Spirit (and Allah (swt)) for the Spirit that they seek. So this sourcing of other created beings of God, including myself, for the spirit is actually blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The person may feel that because you derived your Spirit from Allah and His Holy Spirit that they have the right to then source you. But, that is not correct. I use the analogy (which Allah does warn us not to do when He said, "Invent not similitudes for God: for Allah Knoweth, and ye know not." Surahtul Nahli Ayat 74). However, I need to use one here. When a person goes shopping for groceries at the grocery store (Wholefoods, Walmart, Costco, etc.), they are going to a source. When they bring the food back to their home and place it in the fridge and pantry, then it no longer is part of Walmart but now belongs to the person(s) of that household. So their fridge and pantry are not Walmart. Walmart, the grocery store, is where everyone and anyone that is free/law-abiding can seek or source their sustenance. But once it is purchased it is no longer part of the category of inventory permissible to be sourced by the populous at large. Same thing with the Holy Spirit. Once the person has done the things and works to obtain the Holy Spirit from Allah whether it is Dhikr (Tasbih, Remembrance), Kalimatul Shahada (Testimony about His Words), Salaat, Saum, Zakaat, Hajj, Iqra or Qari, etc. and they receive the Holy Spirit from Allah (swt) no one is free to source them (the person(s)) for it. So again when we are hearing in the Spirit music excessively playing or something else in the Spirit that is not measured right, a lot of times it is because a Mushrik may have sourced the spirit of someone else and are broadcasting like an evil principality. But that is not the only thing they will do. They will try to source you for the Nur (Light), Purity (Ikhlas), Shifa (Healing) and many, many other things be on their list of items to source a person or creation other than Allah and His Holy Spirit for. Therefore it becomes in this types of cases necessary to know the Judgement of Al Masihu Isa Ibn Maryam (as) about this very thing. It is unlawful. It is not if they, who practice this unlawful and unfair technique, will be brought to Allah's Reckoning for it, it is just a matter of when Allah chooses to do so. But, of course, it does not hurt to politely and reverently ask Him (Allah) to do so when it has been painfully unfair and costly...costing alliances, time, work, study, etc. by this wicked secret art. The Injeel reads that anything can be forgiven you except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, this is not complete because Allah (swt) said in the Holy Quran that blasphemy against Him (also) will never be forgiven, but He forgiveth whatever else He Willeth. So I included both Judgements in the graphic notecard.

There will be a scroll bar beneath the blog post so that the entire Graphics can be viewed.

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