Sunday, October 18, 2020

My Reflection on 3 topics that came up in 1st 25 minutes of Zaytuna College - In Mecca: Guiding a Community under Duress


Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi

ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends

I got a chance to catch a live virtual broadcast of a discussion by Zaytuna College #ZaytunaCollege. 3 respected Sheikhs were on the panel, and there were about 3 things that stood out to me. 1 of them I did comment about in the Live Chat only for another viewer to in a very nice way tell me to shut up and just listen. He actually said get a YouTube Channel and express your views but for now just listen. I then politely left the broadcast. We are challenged to listen, but we are also challenged to think.

It is with respect to those 3 Sheikhs along the lines of when a Imam is leading Salaat at Mecca for Tarawia, etc. and forgets a portion of Quran, and 1 of the brothers in the 1st row reminds him of the section he is forgetting. That protocol is pretty outstanding in my opinion. I really find that fascinating when it happens. Masha Allah I have finished this blog post, before football kickoff at noon.

The 3 things that stood out were:

1. When the Sheikh moderating asked other 2 Sheikhs about trials and tribulations and how in the past it increased people of Faith in Faith, but what is to be pulled from the Seerah or history of Al-Islam when trials and tribulations are causing people to lose Faith. 

Actually the reference that I have here is from Al Masihu Isa Ibn Maryam (epbut). The Millstone Passage. There is a duty upon the believer not to lose Faith in the face of trials, adversities and tribulations, however there is a cost to those other than Allah (swt) that want to put you to trial excessively. To say that that does not take place would be a bit shortsighted. Click any of the graphics to enlarge them.

So I will cite both passages here insha Allah:

2. The 2nd thing that stood out was when another Sheikh mentioned having a vertical association with all things good and bad as coming from Allah (swt).

The references that I have here are: 1. Allah is not a Zulmana in the Alamin. This is meaning that Allah (swt) does not practice Injustice or Wrongdoing in either the Seen or Unseen. It also means that Allah is not a Zalimun. But even further it means that Zalimun are not of Him (swt). 2. Is another beautiful example to this point and that is of Nabi Musa (epbuh) speaking to Firaun at 20:56-79. Firaun had decided that he wanted to pawn off Miracles of Allah (swt) as coming from his pagan idols or something to that effect. To which Nabi Musa wa Nabi Harun (epbut) were to the point that Allah does not practice Zulmana and is not a Zalimun. He is not associated with that idolatry. 3. That Allah is not Unjust is found in other parts of the Holy Scriptures. I will list a series of about 4 graphics to this point.

3. The 3rd thing that stood out was when the 3rd Sheikh mentioned 3 qualities or elements that contributed to past greatness of Islamic civilization (or something like that) But, one of the things he mentioned was the incredible generosity of the people of the past it was a common characteristic. I commented in the live chat that whenever Charity is mentioned we must remember to mention Trade one time as well. That in our minds we have to think 50/50 Trade and Charity. And that is when the guy, another viewer, told me to shut up and listen in a nice way.

It is with respect to those 3 Sheikhs along the lines of when a Imam is leading Salaat at Mecca for Tarawia, etc. and forgets a portion of Quran, and 1 of the brothers in the 1st row reminds him of the section he is forgetting. That protocol is pretty outstanding in my opinion. I really find that fascinating when it happens. Masha Allah I have finished this blog post, before football kickoff at noon. One last thing a Sheikh mentioned the passage of the overturning of the trade tables in the Temple (in the Biblical account) and Al-Islam has pockets of Asceticism in it, however, Allah (swt) has said that even in the performance of Hajj we can seek of the bounties of Allah (swt). So, in Hajj the trade tables are technically not overturned. I am not sure how many actually have interest in doing business while on Hajj, but it technically is not unlawful. Ayat is " It is no crime in you if ye seek of the bounty of your Lord (during pilgrimage). Then when ye pour down from (Mount) Arafat, celebrate the praises of God at the Sacred Monument, and celebrate His praises as He has directed you, even though, before this, ye went astray." ~ Surahtul Baqarah Ayat 198

Here is the Virtual Panel Discussion. Again I only caught the first 25 minutes.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Some Very Important Rights

 Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi

ASA WR WR to believing Muslim friends:

Some Blessed Rights from Allah (swt). Allah (swt) has afforded the believing Muslims some Sacred Rights. Here are a few of them.

[I placed the original list of 1-17 below this renewed list. If anyone wants the Ayats were any of these are found let me know. But, those Ayats will Insha Allah make there way to this list as references for the next time that I post it. I will keep updating and refining this blog post. Insha Allah.]

18. Nabi Idris (as) from the root of his name and ministry may preserve our right to study.

19. Nabi Salih (as) from the root of his name and ministry is the right to productivity and righteousness.

20. Nabi Shuaybi (as) from his ministry gave us the right to trade and measure with just scales.

21. Nabi Yusuf (as) from his ministry gave us the right to store, market from stores and give in charity from stores, as well as, to maintain optimus, during minimus and maximus periods, by storing excesses in maximus for use in minimus to maintain optimus during both.

22. Nabi Ibrahim (as) from his ministry came many lessons, but one in particular was the right to fulfill engagements and obligations.

23. Nabi Muhammad (saws) from his ministry came many lessons, but one in particular was to not hinder men and women of faith from the Paths of Allah; Paths of Productivity and Righteousness those who do not mean to shed blood nor spread mischief through the land.

24. Nabi Musa Wa Harun (as) gave us many lessons, 3 of them were the rights not to be made a (1) sacrifice or a (2) scapegoat as sacrificial offerings. As well as, the right (3) not to have our blood consumed (which is a different but serious branch of sacrifice in that they are seeking the life Spirit from Allah that flows through the blood.

25. Father Adam and Mother Eve (as) are responsible for many lessons to the children of Adam and Eve. Ancient lessons from the Garden of Eden. 

  1. The right not to be worshipped as gods and goddesses. The work of God is too much for a man or woman. 
  2. The right not to do the work of Angels. It is spoken in the Holy Quran that the Angels can do in a single day what would take man 50,000 years. It was in reference to Ascension but, I would think it would include their tasks as well. 
  3. The right for men born with male parts to be men; and the right for women born with female parts to be women.

26. Nabi Isa (as) from his ministry came many lessons. The fig tree cursed for not bearing fruit. Thus the right to be productive. The servants handed bags of gold (one of whom were cursed for not bringing a return on investment) thus, the right to earn a return on investment. The right not to be cursed mentioned at 16. below coming from the Messiah Isa (as) in Matt 5:21-26.

1. Rights against someone devouring our substance.

2. Rights against being hindered from Paths of Allah; Paths of Righteousness and Paths of Productivity. Includes Bankruptcy Hadith.

3. Rights against being annoyed.

4. Rights against being kidnapped & home invaded, as well as, being kidnapped from our true selves and natures.

5. Rights against being oppressed, and against tumult, and torture.

6. Rights against anyone feeling that they are free to give us bad, harmful and evil suggestions.

7. Rights against anyone cultivating homosexuality in us.

8. Rights against anyone measuring with unjust scales of trade or justice.

9. Rights against being defiled. (Surahtul Shamsi)

10. More rights against obstruction of Salaha from Nabi Salih (as).

11. Rights to store food, which can also serve as Market(s).

12. Rights against being spied on.

13. Rights against Ikraha and Najwa.

14. Rights against being murdered.

15. Rights against other important things in Ten Commandments

16. Rights against being cursed.

17. Rights of the Poor.

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