Thursday, November 12, 2020

Modification to that Command (from Allah) at birth can be considered Shirk, Defilement, Hindering, and a Bad Suggestion.

ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends.

It is necessary to be very careful of what we suggest to others. Sometimes it may be part of some expansionist policy, and other times it might be mockery, and yet other times it might be to undermine the person. However, mockery is not the best indicator of Wisdom, and in mockery persons may suggest what is harmful to the other person instead of what is beneficial. We cannot forget that one of the indicators of Al Sahirun (The Magicians) is that they incline to do what harms, and not what benefits.
God teaches us that He is the One that is Lord of the Mystery of the Creations of Men and Women. And then He swears by this in Surahtul Laili Ayat 3 to support the Sign of Ayat 4 that, "Verily the ends that ye strive for are diverse."
This is powerful because it is essentially a statement that He (Allah) has issued a Commandment to each person born upon the Earth. For boys to be men, and for girls to be women. Further, that is an Ancient Right from the Garden of Eden. For men to be men, and for women to be women. And so modification to that Command (from Allah) at birth on people of Faith in Allah can be considered Blasphemy (in that they are thinking themselves god or smarter than God in making modifications), Defilement, Hindering, and a Bad Suggestion.
By Surahtul Shamsi not only must one (and all) be careful of defiling the souls of others, but one must be careful of defiling one's own soul. Further, Allah (swt) teaches us that Success is predicated on cleanliness. Many of us like the idea of success.
It is also an Ancient Right from the Garden of Eden for man and woman not to be Angels. Why would that be important? It is because the Angels can do in 1 day what would take man 50,000 years to do. I would imagine that it is not just flight that they are expeditious in, but also in works. It would be too much work.
"The angels and the spirit ascend unto him in a Day the measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years:" ~ Surahtul Ma'arij Ayat 4

When the Evil One tempted Father Adam and Mother Eve (as), his argument was that the Lord only forbids you this tree lest ye become angels or gods (such beings as live forever. The Quran says Khalidun and Genesis in the Kitab says gods. Adam and Eve already had eternal life in the Garden of Eden, so we may assume that the language was around eating from the Forbidden Tree to become gods.) Here are the verses from the Quran and Bible:

"Then began Satan to whisper suggestions to them, bringing openly before their minds all their shame that was hidden from them (before): he said: "Your Lord only forbade you this tree, lest ye should become angels or such beings as live forever.""  ~ Surahtul Araf Ayat 20 - Holy Quran


1 The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the LORD God had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”

2 “Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,” the woman replied. 3 “It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said, ‘You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die.’”

4 “You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman. 5 “God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.” ~ Chapter of Genesis 3 - Holy Bible

There really is some tremendous beauty on this Law against giving Bad Suggestions. I personally just love this. It is kind of a boomerang effect on it like you are what you have suggested to others; or have earned equivalent deeds of what you have suggested to others. So we must make our suggestions good.


Friday, November 6, 2020

The Defilements (and the Najasun). The Blood. The Holy Spirit. The Tree of Forbidden Fruit. Ad Dawab (Beast, Animals). The (optional) Sabti.


Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi

ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends.

[Any Original Sized Graphics Below, Please Use the Scroll Bars to Read Them.]

On the issue of smelling, etc. ad dawab or animals (dogs, apes, swine) in the unseen Spirit, another way that this may be an issue for Believers is if another person is trying to purify their defiled state and condition through defiling a person of Faith that purifies themselves.

This occurrence might be similar to the situation in the Torah in which Allah (swt) made the Ark of the Covenant unlawful to be touched. It is my suspicion that Allah (swt) understands the nature of some people. He understood that some people would want to purify themselves through defiling the Holy Ark of the Covenant by touching. They would want to transfer their defilements to the Holy Object to make themselves clean. So Allah (swt) made only the Levite Priests able to handle the Ark of the Covenant and anyone else who touched would die from how Holy it is.

Pardon me I did not break out my Wacom Tablet and Stylus Pen. Drawn with Mouse.

Leviticus 24:17

    So, some will try to touch a person that is purifying themselves for Allah (swt) to remove defilements (Ad Dawab or animals (dogs, apes, swine)) in the unseen Spirit that is a condition of their own Spirituality and Faith (or lack thereof) practices. In other words, they may have created the condition themselves by not obeying Allah (swt). This Law at Leviticus 24:17 says, "The penalty for taking another person's life is death." That leaves it open to a spectrum of 1% to 100% of the person's life. Someone touching or (getting to the blood I will discuss below) may only be taking 10% or 20% of a person's life, but the nuisance of this for the purifying person could be chronic just if one person does this. But what if there are 10 or 20 people that want to use this technique. It is unfair to the person that purifies themselves for Allah (swt). Instead of only having to bathe once to get clean they'd have to do so 11 or 21 times to reach themselves once? The taking of the life of another believer would place the person in the category of Cain, and the Abel Versus Cain Laws. This is a very important dua to Allah (swt) to make this case against those who do this type of thing. We do not want to be burdened with the conditions that people have caused for themselves through their non-compliance with Allah (swt).

Leviticus 17

    Prohibition on the consumption of blood and the erecting of sacrificial altars outside of the Sacred Precincts of (obviously Mecca because Allah said sacrificial offerings are accepting by Him near Baitul Atique) but also Jerusalem where sacrificial offerings have been temporarily suspended by Allah (swt) for Ahli Kitab. And no one knows when Allah will re-instate them for them. 

    But the consumption of blood is forbidden in any form. So that would include physically and spiritually. The touching of the purification of a person of Faith in Allah (swt) may take place through the Spiritual consumption of the purifying person's blood. 

    Allah (swt) said in Leviticus 17 that, "The life of every creature is in the blood." "Therefore you must not consume blood in any form." "But, must pour out the blood of the animals into the Earth and bury it in the Earth." Meaning the flesh has been made Lawful, but the Spirit of Allah (swt) flows through the blood. The Spirit of Allah (swt) circulates our bodies through our blood. It makes sense that it may reach the extremities of our bodies hands, feet, head. The person who erroneously thinks themselves clever wants to purify and find increase and enhancement of life through consumption of the blood because it contains the Spirit of Allah (swt). [And there are certain animals that are lawful for sacrifice at Leviticus 1-7. Animals for scapegoats at Leviticus 16. Humans were not mentioned.]

    That (in last bold text) is unlawful in Leviticus 24:17 above; it is unlawful in Leviticus 17 just mentioned above. But it is also unlawful in the Injeel when the Messiah (as) said, "Thou shalt not blaspheme the Holy Spirit." Meaning what? To not blaspheme Allah (swt) is to remain loyal to Him as the Source. Thus, to not blaspheme the Holy Spirit places a rigid condition to remain loyal to the Holy Spirit. That means to only Source Allah (swt) and His Holy Spirit for the Spirit and absolutely not any of the created subjects of Allah (swt). Will never be forgiven in this life or the next.

    That part about pouring the blood into the soil..."Wasn't there a Hadith about that?...that was a scene of Paradise concerning the flesh of fowls?" That the people of Paradise will place the blood and bones of the fowls that they consumed into the soil of Paradise and the fowls would come back to life. I am going to look for that Hadith now. But while I do we can see that that Hadith is consistent with this practice in Leviticus 17 of pouring the blood of the animals intended for food into the soil and not eating the blood. Because the Sourcing of the Spirit of Allah (swt) that flows through the blood of every creature in that way has been made categorically Haram. Allah (swt) said, "And the flesh of fowls, any that they may desire." ~ Surahtul Waqiah Ayat 21.

To recap of what I posted on Facebook and Twitter that inspired this blog post:

Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi

ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends

I have to explain why I decided to use the Sabti or Sabbath. It is because of Ad Dawab in the Spirit Unseen. Animal(s) smells, etc, in the Spirit. My apartment is like a Musalla. It is said that Allah does not prefer the smell of the dog in the Masjid, though dogs are good hunting animals. Allah (swt) said in His Holy Quran that He transformed the Sabbath breakers into Qiraditan Khasieena and Kanizeera (He transformed them into Apes Despised and Rejected and Pigs (Hogs, Boars) for breaking the Sabbath). Then the converse will remove the Animal in the Spirit. Observing the Sabbath and asking Allah (swt) to remove Ad Dawab, Qiraditan Khasieen and Kanizeera from the DNA, Spirit, Soul. Ameen. But, Allah also made breaking or desecrating the Sabti punishable with Death. So can also ask Him to remove untimely Deaths, as well. The Quran said it (Sabti) is only binding on those who doubt as to its observance. So I think you can choose to use it or not. Some people curse Black people. Some women want to curse men as dogs, etc. There are all kinds of people that like to do those occult type of things...spells, curses, and enchanting. I guess we can thank Harry Potter. Sometimes the Spirit carries their curses and informs us of them, and other things. What a rotten Khasirun person to curse someone for no justifiable reason. They should lose Command (Amr) who do things like that in the Spirit unjustly. There is a Law that does that, btw. And Surahtul Shamsi does profoundly condemn for defiling other people of Faith as well as self.

 I could not find the Hadith about burying the bones of the fowls of Paradise after eating them so that they come back to life. I do strongly suspect that it is contained in Tablighi Nisab, and that book does not have a very good Index system. It only has Table of Contents. But, my point was that it may be of the type of things of Paradise to bury the blood and bones of the animals fit for consumption. Thus not consuming the blood is of Paradise, and of the People of Paradise.

 But, to continue, people are coming up with these alternative ways of doing this type of thing. However, many of them have resemblance to the Original Sin of "Stealing Life" or consuming life forbidden for consumption through eating fruit from the Forbidden Tree of Life.

 Also, to continue, people are coming up with these alternative ways to obtaining "Spirit" when Allah (swt) gave easier and far more Superior Ways to reach Him and His Holy Spirit. Simply holding the Kalima Kitab (for those who follow it) and/or Quran (for those who follow it) in the hands, and then reading them. Allah (swt) says, 

"Say the Holy Spirit has brought the Revelation from they Lord in Truth, in order to Strengthen those who believe, and as a Guide and Glad Tidings to Muslims." ~ Surah 16:101-102

  Also, to further continue, people are coming up with these alternative ways to obtain "Spirit" through the blood under the idea that the life Spirit from Allah and/or the living cells of the blood will increase life, etc. within them. But, why rule out the living plant cells in fresh juices of fruits and vegetables? There are living cells there. It seems much easier and holier to me to do that.

 And as I mentioned in the comment on Facebook observing the Sabti and running those duas to Allah (swt). Sabti is Sunset to Sunset. So sunset on Jumuah to sunset on Sabti. Or sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. Also one does not have to read the Kalima all day, but to get in a good enough portion to connect with the Spirit of Allah (swt). It does not only have to be "Truth" in Kitab that day, it could be all Quran, as well, for those who only wish to read Quran.

 It makes me wonder the question why go through all of those Secret Arts to consume the blood, etc. for "used spirit" and could go to the Source for "new Spirit" by simply picking up, holding and reading, either or, both Books of Allah? Some other ways to access the Holy Spirit, including Fasting Ramadan listed in graphic below.

I had more "Aha!" moments but I did not form the outline as I initially was going to do for this blog post but just started composing the blog. This is one of the Most Difficult topics. The Defilements (and the Najasun). The Blood. The Holy Spirit. The Tree of Forbidden Fruit. Ad Dawab (Beast, Animals). The (optional) Sabti. It is a very difficult reflection and I needed to outline it first. But the good news is when those "Aha!" moments come back to me, then I will update this blog and repost it on the timeline letting you know that I updated it. Insha Allah.

Later Add Ayats Here:
What qualifies anyone to have to speak to Ad Dawab in Quran?
"And when the Word is fulfilled against them (the unjust), we shall produce from the earth a beast to (face) them: He will speak to them, for that mankind did not believe with assurance in Our Signs." ~ Surahtul Namli Ayat 82

Other verses of note on Dabbatun or the Animals (Beasts) 

"And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the living creatures that He has scattered through them: and He has power to gather them together when He wills." ~ Surahtul Shura Ayat 29

"He created the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; He set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you; and He scattered through it beasts of all kinds. We send down rain from the sky, and produce on the earth every kind of noble creature, in pairs." ~ Surahtul Luqman Ayat 10 

What were the conditions for being the worst of creatures in Quran?
"For the worst of beasts in the sight of God are the deaf and the dumb,- those who understand not." ~ Surahtul Anfali Ayat 22

"For the worst of beasts in the sight of God are those who reject Him: They will not believe." ~ Surahtul Anfali Ayat 55 

"(God) said: "Get thee down from this: it is not for thee to be arrogant here: get out, for thou art of the meanest (of creatures)."" ~ Surahtul Araf Ayat 13

"Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among the Polytheists, will be in Hell-Fire, to dwell therein (for aye). They are the worst of creatures." ~ Surahtul Bayyinah Ayat 6 

Because knowing for self is important. This is more important then being too judgmental. We must be careful of that. But, also knowing for people who try these techniques to inform them of their error is important. Knowing these Rights and Laws also assist us in forming our prayers and petitions to Allah (swt) against those who use those forbidden practices. It is through Basira Falinafsihi what you see being for the benefit of your own soul. So as you see how to form your case to Allah (swt), then form the dua citing these Laws and Infringements to these Laws then it benefits your own soul.

Monday, November 2, 2020

How Would Someone Else Being Condemned By Allah Turn Into A Nightmare For A Believer


Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi

ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends

We may sometimes forget that there are things that people can do to become "Condemned by Allah (swt)". We are reminded of this when we examine the "Ruins" or remains of Ancient Civilizations, such as were mentioned in the Holy Quran. The Thamudi, Madyani, Qwaunu Luti, Firuan Wal Ashabul Firuan. Also the Ancient Civilizations of Persia, Babylon, Pagan Greece, Pagan Rome are either completely or partially Condemned by Allah (swt) today.

Some of these Ancient Civilizations Allah (swt) has already rendered what the Judgement on Yaumul Qiyyamah (The Day of Judgement) is going to be. He did that concerning Ashabul Firuan, Madyani and Thamudi.

Passages on Condemned By God (Allah) to name a few:

1. Torah:

28 However anything specially set apart by the LORD — whether a man, an animal, or his inherited land — must never be sold or redeemed. Anything devoted in this way has been set apart for the Lord as holy.

29 A person specially set apart by the Lord for destruction cannot be redeemed. Such a person must be put to death.

[This is basically saying that what God has Condemned or Ruined cannot be Redeemed except by Him.]

2. Abel vs Cain - The writing on the graphic was so small that I had to insert this original size. Use the Scroll Bars to read it. [This is basically saying that Cain was a Ruin or Khasirun which means Loser. Ruin is Kharaaba.]

3. Surahtul Asr - This is basically saying that All of Mankind are Khasirun except...Ayat 3. But this is another place of loser (Khasira) which may be considered a branch of (Kharaaba) Ruin. 

4. Aoudhubillahi Minal Shaitanir Rajeem - And, of course, Shaitans are accursed or Condemned by God.

Wazira System - This is the Piece de Resistance. I laid out the above groundwork to point to this possibility. The possibility of Believers or People of Faith in Allah (swt) having to wear the burdens of the Sins of Others in Khasira or Kharaaba, because someone was of the interest in casting their burdens, sins, etc. unto someone else to shoulder it for them. If this were not a possibility then Allah (swt) would not have rendered a Ruling Against in the Laws of the Holy Quran.

Unlawfully casting burdens unto Others - The Salvation from it being in the Word or Law against it. (as gravity is a law of nature. gravity works and is fulfilled. we throw a ball up and the force of gravity pulls it down to Earth again). When someone(s) attempt this then they get 2 sins. The 1 sin appears to double. If they do it again I would imagine that that would double. So on, and so on.