Monday, April 12, 2021

There is no compulsion in religion or life.

Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi

ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends.

The sisters' work really is admirable. They really have great networks that they've created on social media. They seem to be very close knit, as well. Brothers in Islam could stand to take notes on how the sisters are doing things. Selling clothes, hijabs, makeup, getting major really is fascinating to see.

There is nothing wrong with reminding against the haram. We have only been warned from Allah not to make the haram the halal, and not to make the halal the haram. And if Allah (swt) did not specifically say it is haram or if the hadiths sometimes conflict making (same thing) halal and haram something Allah never said Himself was haram, then something that is a grey area of non-judgment should remain so and not be given a judgement by that person. Not everyone can step up to become engineers, doctors, lawyers, architects (although I had architectural drafting completely on the table a few years ago but the unseen fitnah behind that study dropping is a dissertation)...but we cannot step up to those things not from a lacking mental aptitude standpoint, but from a lacking getting the credentials standpoint from a respected institution of higher education. Again some of us are dealing with some pretty heavy spiritual fitnah, as well. Some guys have background check issues, and they have to find that legal hustle, but don't want to drive taxis, uber, etc. 

We have to stop shooting ourselves in the foot. But, those boycotts are noticed across a number of demographics for a number of reasons. There is no compulsion in religion. If a person boldly doesn't help another believer, then they should boldly not harm, nor require help from that believer. Reciprocation expands the Barakat of Allah. If I extend the As Salaamu Alaikum to a brother, but they don't reply it in turn, then fortune went to one person and not the other unless the person who was first to extend the greetings decides that they want to ask Allah to withdraw their blessings upon them. The Salaams is a Sunnah of the Nabi that he expressed fosters love and return to Jannah. I have to find that hadith and place it in the comments here.

But, getting back to the sisters. They have displayed survival and money making skills during a pandemic on social media. I really was trying to add to that money they could hustle by making tracks available to split 50/50 with them.

Was willing to agree to 3 months on whichever tracks in my catalog are holding an acceptable standard.

Distrokid is part owned by Spotify and allows us to assign a split to any tracks to who we wish. It is all handled by Distrokid to your Paypal or other good options. I don't receive any of their personal info, and they don't receive any of my personal info. Just have to be a member and that costs $20 per year. So, if a particular sister's network is 100k to 250k or greater of sisters, and they have it so that they can go to them and say, "Ladies download this.", then we could be splitting that total reach in $1 downloads of which ever tracks deemed acceptable to them to shop to the ladies.

There is no compulsion in religion or life. But we do have to remember that Allah (swt) will turn his back on those who turn their backs on the cries of the poor in their times of need. Can click image to enlarge.

I have to say that not being able to succeed in this has been a bit of a disappointment. On paper it should have been an easy thing, but for some reason that clearly was not the case. But again no compulsion because I don't want anyone trying to compel me to do something that I don't want to do either. And it is best to respect people's wishes and comfort levels about things. Can everybody bear witness? That is part of Kindness, Courtesy and Consideration of others, as well. I must merchant to others, yes? I try to never forget to ask Allah to bless those "believing servants of His" who help me. "Believing servants of His" because we do get people who help but have ulterior motives.

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "By Him in Whose Hand my soul is! You will not enter Jannah until you believe, and you shall not believe until you love one another. May I inform you of something, if you do, you love each other. Promote greeting amongst you (by saying As-salamu 'alaikum to one another)".

[Muslim]. (46) Chapter: Excellence and Etiquette of Sincere love for the sake of Allah - Introduction, Hadith 378.

May Allah accept it.

I'm getting old.

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