ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends.
We have acts of worship to Allah (swt) or Ibadah, all of which are technically direct, but could be viewed as indirect and direct worship of Him (swt). Example here of direct acts of worship or ibadah to God.
Allah (swt) has indicated in the Gospel and Quran some Laws to Preserve our Sacred Rights to Faith in Him and Worship of Him (swt). Because God does wish to Preserve Faith in Him and Worship of Him (swt). That we as humans and those of the Jinns do not have the right to through hate (anger); intellectual superiority, insult and slander (idiot); nor cursing another of Faith and innocence; cause the loss of Faith and Worship in God (all 3 of those being very destructive to their Faith and lives) as in Gospel Matt 5:21-26. Nor to directly oppose another person's right to Faith and Worship of God as in HQ 96:9-19. Nor in Matt 18:6 deliberately cause someone to lose Faith and Worship in God.
But look below at all these other peaceful acts of Ibadah and these are just some of the others.
Over the years I have made it about a 15-year mission to commemorate the Anbiya of Productivity. Here are a few others of the acts of Ibadah that technically are direct but may be considered by some people as indirect acts of Ibadah.
Nabi Salih (epbuh) - productivity & righteousness in the land are acts of ibadah to Allah (swt). And Allah (swt) has said that it is the Salihun that shall inherit the Earth. So, it is necessary to take as many lessons from Nabi Salih (epbuh) as is possible to know what Allah (swt) is looking for in that category.
Nabi Shuaybi (epbuh) - measuring with just scales and the rulers giving to the people what is their due are acts of ibadah to Allah (swt).
Nabi Isa (epbuh) - productivity. Fig Tree. 3 Servants handed bags of gold and the ROI are acts of ibadah to Allah (swt).
Nabi Sulaimon (epbuh) - productivity is mentioned many times in his Proverbs. Here is one.
Nabi Yusuf (epbuh) - Optimal quality of life. Golden Mean. Don't spend to the Maximus but live in Optimus and save (store) what is in excess of Optimus for periods of Minimus (to draw on savings to maintain Optimus) as well as Stores or Markets and Charity as Nabi Yusuf (epbuh) showed us. These are acts of ibadah to Allah (swt).
Nabi Idris (epbuh) - Study. Education are acts of ibadah to Allah (swt).
Nabi Ibrahim (epbuh) - Fulfilling obligations and engagements are acts of ibadah to Allah (swt).
Nabi Muhammad (epbuh) - Not hindering from the Paths of Allah, Paths of Righteousness are acts of ibadah to Allah (swt).
Nabi Luti (epbuh) - Heterosexuality is an act of Ibadah to Allah. Although not to take place in the Masjids even during Itikaf.
Nabi Muhammad (epbuh) - The Power of Suggestions. Giving good suggestions and recommendations, as well as, supporting good causes are acts of Ibadah to Allah (swt) that will actually manifest good or bad deeds upon the Scales of Judgement for those individuals. And there are more recipes/formulas to explore that are acts of Ibadah to Allah (swt).