Aoudhubillahi min al shaitanir rajeem.
Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajeun
Ash Shahadu an La Ilaha illa Allah
Wa ash shahadu an Muhammedan Abdul Allah Wa Rasul Allah
Ash Shahadu an La Ilaha illa Allah
Wa ash shahadu an Muhammedan Abdul Allah Wa Rasul Allah
As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh my dear respected brothers and sisters in Al Islam
Hasbuna Lahu Wa Nimal Wakil
The Romans
the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
L. M.
Roman Empire has been defeated-
a land close by; but they, (even) after (this) defeat of theirs, will
soon be victorious-
a few years. With God is the Decision, in the past and in the Future:
on that Day shall the Believers rejoice-
the help of God. He helps whom He will, and He is exalted in might,
most merciful.
is) the promise of God. Never does God depart from His promise: but
most men understand not.
am going to try to give a perspective on something. Below I have
placed a list of the ancient dieties worshiped by the Ancient
Greeks and Romans. The reason that I placed them there was because if
we look at the Chapter of the Romans Verse 2 above, Allah said that the
Romans were defeated. This could mean a particular battle, but it
could also mean that it suffered some loss or ruin. The next Ayat Allah
(swt) says, that they will soon be victorious and it follows with
that it is a Decision in the past and in the future. It could be that something
that God intended was for the Romans to be part ruin and part
successful or to experience a cyclical nature of that. It is my speculation that the “Ruin” comes from the
pagan, hedonistic, corrupt past that had previously infiltrated
religion and government with the Ancient Romans and Greeks.
the Romans have a gift from God, who is Allah, in the past and the
future concerning victories and losses...successes and ruins.
On that day the believers shall rejoice. What I have noted that contemporary Romans have been exceptional (among the top in the world) in are areas of: Coffee or Cafes, Restaurants and Cuisine, Racing and other Auto manufacturing, Small motorized boats manufacturing like little sports cars used to get around the waterways in Italy, Architecture, Olive Oil cultivation and production, Clothing and Fashion, Shoe making, Engineering, Music, Paintings and Arts, Racing and other Bicycle manufacturing, Agricultural techniques...
On that day the believers shall rejoice. What I have noted that contemporary Romans have been exceptional (among the top in the world) in are areas of: Coffee or Cafes, Restaurants and Cuisine, Racing and other Auto manufacturing, Small motorized boats manufacturing like little sports cars used to get around the waterways in Italy, Architecture, Olive Oil cultivation and production, Clothing and Fashion, Shoe making, Engineering, Music, Paintings and Arts, Racing and other Bicycle manufacturing, Agricultural techniques...
reason that I mention this is because of the Hadith about the 3
knots, and the Hadith about the closer than blood:
Huraira narrates that Allah's Apostle said, "Shaytan puts three
knots at the back of the head of any of you if he is asleep. On every
knot he reads and exhales the following words, 'The night is long, so
stay asleep.' When one wakes up and remembers Allah, one knot is
undone; and when one performs ablution, the second knot is undone,
and when one prays (salah) the third knot is undone and one gets up
energetic with a good heart in the morning; otherwise one gets up
lazy and with a mischievous heart."” ~ Sahih
Bukhari: 2.243
No. 1913
- Narrated Ali bin Al-Husain: Safiya, the wife of the Prophet told me
that she went to Allah's Apostle to visit him in the mosque while he
was in Itikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan. She had a talk with
him for a while, then she got up in order to return home. The Prophet
accompanied her. When they reached the gate of the mosque, opposite
the door of Um-Salama, two Ansari men were passing by and they
greeted Allah's Apostle . He told them: Do not run away! And said,
"She is (my wife) Safiya bint Huyai." Both of them said,
"Subhan Allah, (How dare we think of any evil) O Allah's
Apostle!" And they felt it. The Prophet said (to them), "Satan
reaches everywhere in the human body as blood reaches in it,
(everywhere in one's body). I was afraid lest Satan might insert an
evil thought in your minds." ~ Sahih
Al Bukhari Book 33
run counter to: The
Quranul Kareem says at Surahtul
Qaf Ayat 16, "It was
We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes
to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein."
in addition, Allah (swt) says, "For over My servants no
authority shalt thou have, except such as put themselves in the wrong
and follow thee." ~
Surahtul Hijr Ayat 42.
"No authority has he over those who believe and put their trust
in their Lord. His authority is over those only, who take him as
patron (Waliy) and who join partners with God (Mushrikun). Surahtul
Nahl Ayats 98-99.
Hadiths could cause a light infringement to become a devastation that
a person never recovers from. Sometimes a muslim needs to build up
momentum in Faith over time. This Hadith could wipe out momentums by
this assigning a of a Shaitan to a muslim for something like that.
Sometimes Shaitans require Divine intervention to get free from. That
means Allah sending Angels (Mikael, Jibreel, Israfeel), or Prophets,
or Holy men and women. There are a couple of Hadiths that pronounce a
similar curse of assigning a Shaitan that we in Al-Islam must be
concerned about. Another, off the top of my head, is the Sahih
Bukhari Hadith about the Shaitan reaching everywhere in the human
body as the blood does. (No. 1913, Book 33). These Hadiths are giving
too much license to Shaitans over muslims. We should not be requiring
exorcists when we have Surahtul Nahli Ayats 98-99 which says, "And,
"No authority has he over those who believe and put their trust
in their Lord. His authority is over those only, who take him as
patron (Waliy) and who join partners with God (Mushrikun)." And
Allah (swt) is Most Wise. Those Hadiths make for peculiar words of
salvation. Those Hadiths could cause sicknesses and ruin that are worse than attempting to climb out of a Roman ruin, who Allah (swt) turned to with an agreement, in spite of their pagan past. May the eternal peace and blessings of Allah (swt) be upon
Nabi Muhammed and the righteous amongst his family and following.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم معظم الخالق واحد
إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله
وحده ينتمي الأسماء الحسنى
Allah be refuge against the Shaitans and Idolatry and Blasphemy
against Allah and His Holy Spirit. From the Americana Encyclopedia.
Who not to take as gods. Who not to worship.
Ancient Pagan gods and goddesses | Greek | Roman |
A. king of Heaven
B. queen of Heaven
C. god of Water
D. king of Underworld
E. queen of Underworld
F. god of War
G. god of Fire
H. god of Healing
I. goddess of Wisdom
J. goddess of Agriculture
K. goddess of Hunting
L. goddess of Hearth
M. goddess of Love
N. god of Love
O. god of Wine
P. god of Flocks
Q. god of Sun
R. god of Moon
S. goddess of witchcraft
T. messenger of the gods
U. goddess of Flower
V. god of West Wind
W. god of Sleep
X. god of Medicine
Y. goddesses of Lakes and Rivers
Z. goddess of nectar, wife of Hercules, daughter of
Zeus and Hera
AA. enchantress, sorceress
AB. fountain nymph
light of the ruin that such a condition could cause of a Shaitan
being assigned to muslims we have to see that this makes a mild
infringement more enormous than the paganism among Ancient Greeks and
Romans. Because even they got an agreement with Allah that there would
be a cycle of ruin and success or losses and gains.
One of the main points that I was trying to get at about the Romans was that inspite of the paganism of the past, Romans past and present were/are very productive. They created many feats in engineering and architecture. Many of us do not have a history in paganism in Islam. But, are exceeded. But then again if any of us were to transport back to the times of the Roman Empire and meet with ancestors in whatever part of the world then there is a chance that some of them may have been pagans. These types of hadiths manifest things in the Spirit that impede...they are harsh, unjust, devastating, ruinous, debilitating and disabling. I wanted to show the type of motorized boat that they have engineered for their waterways. This is not a renounciation of the next life for the things of the dunya. I understand this. I also understand that we have a duty to be productive and fulfill obligations. But, in addition, to smashing successes in coffee, cars, fashion, shoes, architecture (just about all industries) the contemporary Romans are quite successful with selling these little boat yachts...and they cost a lot of money. Thus in addition to taking a lesson from the Bees...we could take a lesson from the Romans. May have to click the link the owner of this YouTube vid only allows viewing of this on YouTube.
A Shaitan blowing knots upon a muslim or mumin that may be dragging their feet on some days, while attempting to build up momentum in their ibadah and productive life is harsh and unjust. The Sheikh and others who use this hadith might say well we are pronouncing it upon those who are inactive about a certain thing. But, I respond with 2 examples that I will list here of how I respond to those who were inactive about certain things with me among the wealthy brothers and sisters. First I represented this African American Muslim manufacturer of botanicals soaps, shampoos, hair oils, body milks and body butters. I will blur the image and not disclose their name because I no longer work with them and no longer endorse them. But, I was attempting to contact our wealthy Arab importers/exporters and distributors for the sale of 30 – 20 ft containers of a particular extremely pure and fragrance free soap that could have been used for the Hajj seasons. I got a lot of “No's” and it was extremely difficult to find ease and facility in the process of making contacts.
A Shaitan blowing knots upon a muslim or mumin that may be dragging their feet on some days, while attempting to build up momentum in their ibadah and productive life is harsh and unjust. The Sheikh and others who use this hadith might say well we are pronouncing it upon those who are inactive about a certain thing. But, I respond with 2 examples that I will list here of how I respond to those who were inactive about certain things with me among the wealthy brothers and sisters. First I represented this African American Muslim manufacturer of botanicals soaps, shampoos, hair oils, body milks and body butters. I will blur the image and not disclose their name because I no longer work with them and no longer endorse them. But, I was attempting to contact our wealthy Arab importers/exporters and distributors for the sale of 30 – 20 ft containers of a particular extremely pure and fragrance free soap that could have been used for the Hajj seasons. I got a lot of “No's” and it was extremely difficult to find ease and facility in the process of making contacts.
time it involved tee-shirts. I needed to move 100,000 teeshirts. I
was told, “We are not interested.”. I did not pronounce a curse
upon them for being inactive about a matter.
Please Share. Allah is Lord & Source...Tees & Hoodies (#43). #GottaHaveEach Flat shipping rate of $5 for US & flat rate of $11 Intl. Secure & well endorsed site...with Paypal. 100,000 ppl to click "I Would Buy This" button helps a home remodeling biz plan.
Please Share. Romans Tees and Hoodies (#44). #GottaHaveEach Flat shipping rate of $5 for US and flat rate of $11 Intl. Secure and well endorsed site...with Paypal. 100,000 ppl to click "I Would Buy This" button helps a home remodeling biz plan.
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The Noah's Ark tees contain a verse of Quran but does not include the Names of Allah. |
Please Share. Noah's Ark Tees and Hoodies (#38). #GottaHaveEach Flat shipping rate of $5 for US and flat rate of $11 Intl. Secure and well endorsed site...with Paypal. 100,000 ppl to click "I Would Buy This" button helps a home remodeling biz plan.
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This shirt contains the words, "God is the Lord and Source of..." but, does contain the Bismillah in Arabic. |
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This shirt may contain one name of Allah. It has the Ayats 1-6 of Surahtul Rumi |
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