Monday, November 2, 2020

How Would Someone Else Being Condemned By Allah Turn Into A Nightmare For A Believer


Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi

ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends

We may sometimes forget that there are things that people can do to become "Condemned by Allah (swt)". We are reminded of this when we examine the "Ruins" or remains of Ancient Civilizations, such as were mentioned in the Holy Quran. The Thamudi, Madyani, Qwaunu Luti, Firuan Wal Ashabul Firuan. Also the Ancient Civilizations of Persia, Babylon, Pagan Greece, Pagan Rome are either completely or partially Condemned by Allah (swt) today.

Some of these Ancient Civilizations Allah (swt) has already rendered what the Judgement on Yaumul Qiyyamah (The Day of Judgement) is going to be. He did that concerning Ashabul Firuan, Madyani and Thamudi.

Passages on Condemned By God (Allah) to name a few:

1. Torah:

28 However anything specially set apart by the LORD — whether a man, an animal, or his inherited land — must never be sold or redeemed. Anything devoted in this way has been set apart for the Lord as holy.

29 A person specially set apart by the Lord for destruction cannot be redeemed. Such a person must be put to death.

[This is basically saying that what God has Condemned or Ruined cannot be Redeemed except by Him.]

2. Abel vs Cain - The writing on the graphic was so small that I had to insert this original size. Use the Scroll Bars to read it. [This is basically saying that Cain was a Ruin or Khasirun which means Loser. Ruin is Kharaaba.]

3. Surahtul Asr - This is basically saying that All of Mankind are Khasirun except...Ayat 3. But this is another place of loser (Khasira) which may be considered a branch of (Kharaaba) Ruin. 

4. Aoudhubillahi Minal Shaitanir Rajeem - And, of course, Shaitans are accursed or Condemned by God.

Wazira System - This is the Piece de Resistance. I laid out the above groundwork to point to this possibility. The possibility of Believers or People of Faith in Allah (swt) having to wear the burdens of the Sins of Others in Khasira or Kharaaba, because someone was of the interest in casting their burdens, sins, etc. unto someone else to shoulder it for them. If this were not a possibility then Allah (swt) would not have rendered a Ruling Against in the Laws of the Holy Quran.

Unlawfully casting burdens unto Others - The Salvation from it being in the Word or Law against it. (as gravity is a law of nature. gravity works and is fulfilled. we throw a ball up and the force of gravity pulls it down to Earth again). When someone(s) attempt this then they get 2 sins. The 1 sin appears to double. If they do it again I would imagine that that would double. So on, and so on.

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