Sunday, January 17, 2021

Technically the Holy Spirit is not exactly free. There are ways in which we have to earn it in our lives.


[Occasionally I'm (almost) delivering service in a post. Really it is just testimony. Something not always used is the opportunity that if someone is a follower of the Messiah (epbuh) or Moses and Aaron (epbut) to not always be of the thought they should stop following them to follow Muhammad (epbuh). Thoughts also have the option of going along the lines that the Holy Quran be used to make them a better follower of the Messiah, or of Moses and Aaron (epbut).]

Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi

ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends.

[Reposting a topic that turned into a conversation.]


Some may be getting it wrong. Holy Spirit is actually not free. A person of faith has to pay for it thru cleansing, fasting, praying, reading, testifying, giving in charity, observing Sabbath, Kosher, Halal & healthy dietary practices, Biblical Tour of Jerusalem or Hajj to Mecca.

I wonder what the cost is to those who come to our branch of the Abrahamic Faiths (Islam) and want Holy Spirit but do not want to pay thru our costs, practices and procedures for obtaining Holy Spirit from Allah (swt). Sari Al Hisabu Allah. Sari Al Iqabu Allah. If the Holy Spirit comes with fasting Ramadan and another person wants to source a person who fasts, then I honestly believe Allah (swt) will make them pay by the valuation of Ramadan. And the same for other means of Sourcing the Holy Spirit mentioned above. I also believe that He can charge them manifold. Because it is cheating.


Do we have any references for these claims? How did Jewish practices get in there?


[Graphic images.]

Basically it is just and within our rights in Islam to encourage People of the Bible (of the Book) to obey what is Truth or confirmed as Truth in the Quran about the Kitab. So if the Quran mentions Sabbath then we can encourage them to keep the Sabbath. It would be a good deed to the credit of the one giving the reminder. Also when we are talking thirsty souls that will attempt to source other humans and created beings of Allah (swt) for spirit, then we want to have the option open to be able to direct them to Allah (swt) in the Holy Quran and/or the truth that remains in the Holy Bible. It is more of a statement of, "Then you need to read the Bible, then; or, Then you need to do a Biblical Tour of Jerusalem, then. Rather than source me for the spirit." But here are some references from within the Quran. I will leave 3 or so.

[We never want to tell anyone that we are gods or goddesses. That is not an agreement any human being wants to make. We never want to give license to physical and spiritual beings to source us for life, blessings, provisions, etc. We always want to direct others to God and His Holy Spirit and never allow it to be confused that we are either of those. Those who have done this that is their burden and their issue to deal with and solve themselves or with God. Because we may have some from Kemetics come over and shift the burden unto someone. Leaving them to suffer it and raise the case to Allah on it for many years.]

The goal in this case being to direct others to God as Source.

Lastly I will leave you with a graphic of the Articles of Faith before they were modified. Another good question to ask is. "Why were the original Articles of Faith modified?" I rejoice that the Fount of Abundance is with Nabi Muhammad (saws).


awesome bro. Stuff to look into. Thanks😁

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