Friday, May 27, 2011

(Suratul Insan Ayat 16)³³³¹¹³³²

16. Crystal-clear, made of silver: they will determine the measure thereof (according to their wishes). ~ Holy Quran
It is apparent here that measuring is a characteristic of the people of Paradise (Heavens, The Gardens, Al Jannah). But, does it not seem paradoxical that in the very place where there is infinite bounties, (without measure and rivers flowing with incorruptible milk, water, honey and wine), that anyone would feel the need to measure anything? But, Heaven is not being a pig. Eatting and eatting and drinking and drinking with hungers never being satisfied and thirsts never being quenched...Heaven is not a place that produces pig like behaviors and characteristics in it's inhabitants. {Of course, these are my beliefs I have not actually been there yet, insha Allah} Perhaps, it is as simple as knowing that measuring too little would be annoying and a not being satisfied, nor relieved of a need; and measuring too much would be uncomfortable (like eatting so much that the stomach begins to hurt and it feels stretched (because it actually is) and the person has to loosen the belt and is so uncomfortable that they cannot even be productive until the pain of the stretched stomach goes away. I infer from this ayat that this is something that the people of Paradise (who are the highly evolved beings of Allah and of superior civility and society than we have ever known on earth) do not wish to experience, by the portion of the ayat that reads, "they will determing the measure thereof (according to their wishes). ~ Holy Quran" In so many ways Allah teaches us that gluttony is not becoming of Paradise, especially when he teaches the ayat, "That I have enjoined upon you fasting that you may restrain yourselves. ~ Holy Quran." A glutton is someone that eats or consumes even when they are not hungry, but, also would describe a person who's hunger and thirst is never satisfied. Food and drink or water are not the only things that people hunger and thirst for, and thus, are not the only things that people can become excessive about and so need to practice restraints about. Why then is it necessary for Allah to teach mankind and the Alamin to restrain themselves? Is it because it was the appetites of Father Adama (saws) and Mother Huwa (saws) unchecked by restraint that brought about our downfall from heaven, in the first place. Thus, this subtle suggestion of the inhabitants of Paradise in the ayat, "they will determing the measure thereof (according to their wishes). ~ Holy Quran" really speaks to the very nature that brought about our parents downfall from heaven in the first place....and He (Allah (swt)) wants us to undo that nature, that is against the nature of Paradise, within us.

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