Wednesday, September 28, 2011

All Parents are not the same. All Children are not the same.

Jeremiah 31:29 NLT "The people will no longer quote this proverb: 'The parents eat sour grapes, but their children's mouths pucker at the taste.'
Jeremiah 31:30 NLT All people will die for their own sins -- those who eat the sour grapes will be the ones whose mouths will pucker.
Ezekiel 18:2 NLT "Why do you quote this proverb in the land of Israel: 'The parents have eaten sour grapes, but their children's mouths pucker at the taste'?
This is in stark contrast to the hadith, "The Prophet Muhammad said, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him: Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother." ~ (Ahmad, Nasai)
Allah (swt) has said in His Sacred Holy Quran that, "No just estimate have they made of God, such as is due to Him: On the Day of Judgment the whole of the earth will be but His handful, and the heavens will be rolled up in His right hand: Glory to Him! High is He above the Partners they attribute to Him!" ~ HQ 39:67
In the end it does come to the reality of honor thy mother and thy father or reverence the wombs that bore you, " 12 "Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the LORD your God will give you." ~ Exodus 20:12 and " O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence God, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for God ever watches over you." ~ Surahtul Nisa 1
But, conversely it is necessary for parents to honor their children. While it is important for children to honor their parents; it is equally important for parents to honor their children by providing safe environment, great education, deen of Islam, truth of all the scriptures revealed by Allah (God), the best lessons in morals and ethics, healthy diet & that those children have the opportunity to grow up and succeed and reciprocate the nurturing that the parents gave them when the parents reach old age. Children just can not be held in careless ways while parents enjoy immunity in the 5th Commandment of the 10 Commandments. They have a duty to practice Planned Parenting before pregnancies or the bringing of children into this world.
"The mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two whole years, if the father desires to complete the term. But he shall bear the cost of their food and clothing on equitable terms. No soul shall have a burden laid on it greater than it can bear. No mother shall be Treated unfairly on account of her child. Nor father on account of his child, an heir shall be chargeable in the same way. If they both decide on weaning, by mutual consent, and after due consultation, there is no blame on them. If ye decide on a foster-mother for your offspring, there is no blame on you, provided ye pay (the mother) what ye offered, on equitable terms. But fear God and know that God sees well what ye do." ~ HQ 2:233
All in all we can't lose sight of the day when: "At length, when there comes the Deafening Noise,- That Day shall a man flee from his own brother, And from his mother and his father, And from his wife and his children. Each one of them, that Day, will have enough concern (of his own) to make him indifferent to the others. Some faces that Day will be beaming, Laughing, rejoicing. And other faces that Day will be dust-stained, Blackness will cover them: Such will be the Rejecters of God, the doers of iniquity". ~ HQ 80:33-42

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