The definition of "Nothing" according to the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary is:
Definition of NOTHING
1 a : something that does not exist b : the absence of all magnitude or quantity; also : zero 1a c : nothingness, nonexistence
2 : someone or something of no or slight value or size
3 : a light, playful, or frivolous remark —usually used in plural nothings>
— for nothing
1 : without reason
2 : at no charge
But, non-existence is nothing or nothingness. Allah (swt) says that those who reject Him (swt) are Kafiruns and the Kafiruns are the ones that will inherit Hellfire, (Hell, The Fire, Jehanum) as their final destination. Allah has described Hell-Fire in our Sacred Holy Quran as:
"naught doth it permit to endure, and naught doth it leave alone. Darkening and changing the color of Man. (those that enter it)." ~ Holy Quran 74:26-29
HQ 43:77 ~ They will cry: "O Malik! would that thy Lord put an end to us!" He will say, "Nay, but ye shall abide!"
Here they will ask for "Nothingness", "Non-existence.", but, Malik (as) will say, literally, no nothingness for them.
HQ 25:13 ~ And when they are cast, bound together into a constricted place therein, they will plead for destruction there and then!
HQ 25:14 ~ "This day plead not for a single destruction: plead for destruction oft- repeated!"
Again the request for non-existence by complete destruction of themselves by Allah...literally pleading with Malik, to ask Allah for them to be destroyed. They have to ask Malik to pray for them (which he does not do) because Allah (swt) does not reply to their requests there, in Hell-Fire. But, again Malik (as) says, no nothingness for them, no non-existence and, "this day plead not for a single destruction, but, plead for destruction oft-repeated!".
Therefore, it is my conclusion from my observation of Al-Haqq from the Kalima of Allah that "Without Allah..." a person is a "Kafir". The "Kafirun" are fuel for the Hell-Fire. The dwellers of Hell-Fire will not be granted any requests for "non-existence" nor "nothingness". Thus, "Without Allah I am Nothing." is not completely factual. The fact is "Without Allah I am worse than nothing." or "Without Allah I will plead to become nothing (or non-existent)" To be granted nothingness for the dwellers of Hell-Fire is a Mercy and the Hell-Fire is a place that is void of Allah's (swt) Mercy. It would be worse than "nothing"...worse than "nothingness"...and worse than "non-existence".
Finally it is a place or state that is described as, "where they are neither living, nor dead." ~ Holy Quran 20:74
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