[Addendum to original post.]
Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi
ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends.
[Unfortunately today we have to be concerned about con artists and con games in being hospitable. Today it is not as safe as it was in the past. Especially in the US. There is very serious crime and criminal elements in the world. That being said we can be hospitable with greeting each other with our customary invocation for salaams or peace in Islam. Don't be taken advantage of but also try not to let go of salaams. This post is basically about #BetterDrinks and keeping concerns for each others peace and comfort without being taken advantage of.]
There was something that I learned about Arabs of the past (some referred to them as Bedouins) and that is that they had very strong hospitality customs. They are customarily a very hospitable people. However, they have further customs that encourage and inform people not to over-extend their requests for hospitality too long so not to wear out their welcome or take advantage of their kindness. We would in the past see very good treatment of guests and wayfarers by them as pertaining to the period of living in tents and to today. This custom is even evident in the Holy Quran when Nabi Ibrahim (epbuh) received to his tent 3 guests (2 or 3 of whom were ArchAngels of Allah (swt)) and he hastened to entertain them with a roasted calf other food and drink. Nabi Sulaimon taught a lesson in a Proverb. He said, "Those that refresh others shall themselves be refreshed." I believe that this is truly what is at the foundation of comfort that Muslims are receiving in some places in the Islamic World due to having regard for the comfort of guests and wayfarers. We must not abandon our customs of showing concern for the peace or comfort with each other by continuing to practice extending the greetings of salaamu alaikum to one another. And if you extend it to a group and are not sure if everyone there is really a friend, then just phrase it, ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends. But not to abandon the praying for one another because Allah (swt) can shower His Blessings upon the entire community as we keep that up. There is a hadith about the importance of As Salaamu Alaikum and there are Ayats of Quran about it as well.
The Hadith:
"Thus the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained that this salaam spreads love and brotherhood. Muslim (54), Ahmad (2/391), and al-Tirmidhi (2513) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
You will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not tell you about something which, if you do it, you will love one another? Spread salaam amongst yourselves."
The Ayat:
"94. O ye who believe! When ye go abroad in the cause of Allah,
investigate carefully, and say not to any one who offers you a
salutation: "Thou art none of a Believer!" Coveting the
perishable goods of this life: With Allah are profits and spoils
abundant. Even thus were ye yourselves before, till Allah
conferred on you His favors: Therefore carefully investigate.
For Allah is well aware of all that ye do."
I was treated very badly by a group last week. None of them returned the greetings. There is obviously a concern for not praying for someone that is not a Muslim. So I would suggest to use the conditional way that I suggested above.
When I lived in Atlanta, Georgia right after graduating Howard University (this was the 90s) I would attend Jumuah Service in Westend at Imam Jamil El-Amin's Masjid called Westend Masjid (formerly H-Rap Brown). I met him. He let me spend Itikaf in his Masjid for 3 days as was the custom in our Masjids here in the US. I got very sick there, but that is another story. There were or are a couple of Black Religious Movements there and they got along very well (back then). One group known as the Black Hebrews had a restaurant. They were well known for selling an all natural fresh Ginger Drink by the gallon and quart. Imam Jamil El-Amin had a small grocery store. Also what helped the melting pot was that there was this park right off of the Masjid where they would have large events and people socialized. The late (abdul) WDM had members of his community present there as well. I said all that to say that the Black Hebrews had a social event, one time that I attended) in which all the food was vegetarian or vegan (due to their dietary practices but also in respect to Muslims in attendance) and all the drinks were non-alcoholic. It would be wonderful if instead of serving alcohol people served Halal drinks made from brilliant ideas from Sage and/or Chamomile and that we could also sit down and enjoy that as a customary social alternative. #BetterDrinks That vegetarian non-alcoholic social event in Westend Atlanta will truly be something that I will not try to forget it was almost other-worldly, and very clean.
[Original post.]
Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al RaheemiASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends:
I try to make everything that I post about to be from and upon the basis of Truth. Another true story. What I use to combat and ward off nervous energy without ever needing to use drugs, narcotics or alcohol. My 2 Sacred Secrets for Halal Natural Sedatives are:
1. Chamomile Flowers either Whole or Powdered -
2. Sage either Whole or Powdered - Although the default price is set at a crazy $99 million USD (for leaf and ground) when you select a weight size it will give an accurate and corrected pricing for the sage.
Brew these teas as strong or weak as needed, and there is natural relaxation. Can also use them in smoothies and fresh juices from the juicers.
Note: It is also recommended to be careful in how much you measure of either of these while pregnant because, though they are non narcotic, they can deform a fetus.
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