Sunday, June 7, 2020

Our Rights in Al-Islam against Voodoo and the like. Reflection upon the Implications of Surahtul Masada or Abu Lahab.

Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi
ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends

In Surahtul Masada or Abu Lahab we get a picture of something that happened to the Holy Prophet Muhammed (saws). We see that Abu Lahab and his wife in combination practiced a cursing (or spell) combined with craft and cruel wrongdoing upon the Nabi (saws).

A couple of the things that was frightening about Voodoo, depicted in movies when I was growing up, was that it was a secret art (Al Au'qadi - Surahtul Falaq), and that it would be practiced on someone without them knowing about it (Najwa - Surahtul Mujadilah) which means they were not intending to use in their life practice or purchase the sorcery.

So with the terms "Cursed" and "craft and cruel wrongdoing" in the Tafsir this Surah opens up those 2 transgressions that merited the Judgment in Surahtul Masada to be in the categories of: Voodoo, Secret Arts, Witchcraft, Sorcery, Spells, those types of things that are annoyances and frustrations. I will include the Tafsirs from the late Hafizul Quran Abdullah Yusuf Ali (may upon him be Allah's peace and blessings). Check out those tafsirs, and the Surah is below them.

The Blessings are that Allah (swt) has considered these types of occurrences and has rendered it against the Laws of God to practice these forms of Secret Arts on believing Muslims. This is a beautiful “right” that Allah (swt) has afforded us in Al-Islam. If anyone amongst the believing Muslims feels that they have been worked upon by a Secret Art, then those Surahs in bold above are a good place to start in your petitions to Allah (swt) to reclaim your rights against your life being made more difficult, frustrated and annoyed by those practices.

* v.1 : Abu Lahab, "Father of Flame", was the nick-name of an uncle of the holy Prophet, from his fiery hot temper and his ruddy complexion. He was one of the most inveterate enemies of early Islam. When the holy Prophet called together the Quraish and his own kith and kin to come and listen to his preaching and his warning against the sins of his people, the "Father of Flame" flared up and cursed the holy Prophet, saying "Perdition to thee!" According to the English saying, "the causeless curse will not come". His words were futile, but his power and strength were equally futile. The star of Islam rose higher and higher every day, and its persecuters dwindled in strength and power. Many of the leaders of persecution perished at Badr, and Abu Lahab himself perished a week after Badr, consumed with grief and his own fiery passions. Verse 3 was prophetic of his end in this very life, though it also refers to the Hereafter.

* v.4 : Abu Lahab’s wife was a woman of equally passionate spite and cruelty against the sacred person of the holy Prophet. She used to tie bundles of thorns with ropes of twisted palm-leaf fibre and carry them and strew them about on dark nights in the paths which the Prophet was expected to take, in order to cause him bodily injury. "To carry firewood" may also be symbolical for carrying tales between people to embroil them. This was also one of her vices. But she was laying up for herself another kind of Fire and another kind of Rope, the Fire of Punishment, and the Rope of Slavery to Evil. Thus does Evil prepare its own fate. This is the general lesson of sustained craft and cruel wrong-doing recoiling on the wrong-doer’s head. See also Introduction to this Surah in the Yusuf Ali Translation.

Surahtul Masada
In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Perish the hands of the Father of Flame! Perish he!

No profit to him from all his wealth, and all his gains!

Burnt soon will he be in a Fire of Blazing Flame!

His wife shall carry the (crackling) wood - As fuel!-

A twisted rope of palm-leaf fibre round her (own) neck!

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