Thursday, December 9, 2021

The Many Layers and Levels of the Wrong in Hindering a Believing Productive Muslim


Bismi Allahi Al Rahmani Al Raheemi

ASA WR WB to believing Muslim friends:

When it comes to being hindered there are so many levels or layers of why that is wrong to do to a Muslim. Can read my 2 blog posts on Hindering at your convenience:



1. An intrinsic Gift of Al-Islam is the freedom from Vices.

One of the powerful gifts of Al-Islam is the release from vices such as: 1. Drug addiction; 2. Alcohol addiction; 3 Prostitutes and prostitution; 4 Pimps and pimping; 5 Crime addiction; 6 Addiction to ignorance or being under educated; 7 Prison addiction and many other negative vices or habits.

Al-Islam cleans us up, and what that then does is frees up a lot of time. We have time as an asset and we have books as an asset. Those 2 combined then affords us the ability to become experts in many subject matters.

Good health and good spirituality are at the foundation of the forming of Energy, Inspiration and Motivation. Energy, Inspiration and Motivation are at the foundation of the forming of Schedules and Repetition in good things. Schedules and Repetition in good things are at the foundation of the forming of Good Habits. Good Habits are at the foundation of the forming of Discipline. Discipline is at the foundation of the forming of Expertise. Expertise is at the foundation of Success and Money in any Field of Study. [Can click any of these graphics to enlarge them if needed.]

2. Allah (swt) said about the Companions of Paradise, "That they shall determine the measure thereof according to their wishes."

That even with the endless bounties of the Heavens or Paradise, the people of Paradise, "will determine the measure thereof according to their wishes." Measuring being indicated here as an element of Paradise. Measuring being superior. Conversely not measuring indicating that it is an element of Hellfire due to excesses or deficiencies as it pertains to the inhabitants wishes. Thus, if we have, on Earth the condition in which we are not able to effectively and efficiently measure our quality of life then it can be considered a serving of a table feast from Hell. In contrast to the Maidah or Table from Heaven (Passover Table of the Messiah). That would also mean that it may not necessarily be part of the timing of Allah (swt) on the matter of something from Hell (or Heaven), as was indicated in the verses concerning the Table from Heaven, but a requisition from someone to Allah (swt) of the rendered service of a Hell table to the delight of the suppliants. Being able to measure according to our wishes is thus a condition of Heaven, and not being able to measure according to our wishes thus being a condition of Hell. I would also like to add that I am not implying that life on Earth is a state of the inability to measure anything because it is not Heaven; nor always being able to measure things because it is not Hell. We do have Geometry (geo - means earth; metry or metric - means to measure) and, in addition, when Allah (swt) sent Nabi Shuaybi (epbuh) he taught us through this Prophet to measure with Just Scales. This implies that we can use a fair markup on merchandise that we are selling, however the measurements must always be consistent. Establishing this as a condition of "Table from Hell" is important because: 1. We are still on Earth; 2. It is the opposite end of the Spectrum of the "Maidah (Table) from Heaven"; and 3. The condition imposed by Allah (swt) on Al Hawariyun (The Disciples) if they after receiving the Table from Heaven, then resisted Faith in Allah (swt). This same condition we should ask of Allah (swt) upon those who would request a Table from Hell to be served to an innocent (not guilty) person of Faith in Allah (swt). Does the requestor fall under the category of: 1. Shayatun; 2. Zalimun; 3. Sahirun; 4. Lusus; 5. Mukadhibun; 6. Kafirun; 7. Munafiqun; 8. Mujrimun; 9. Fasiqun; 10 Mufisdun; 11. Mushrikun, etc. Then the same condition in white in grey graphic below should apply to them as well for the Table from Hell. Not being able to measure on Earth is a Hell condition.

I touched on the Last Supper and Maidah from Heaven versus Maidah from Hell in this blog post. 

3. Pandemic and economic crisis needs to be avoided.

When we are in a pandemic and borderline economic crisis we have to really put on our thinking caps to make money and save money. This is from Nabi Yusuf (epbuh) who taught us the importance of stores during these types of times. It is not just in storing grains, but in storing and proper measure of grains, money, and other resources and supplies. It should not be hoarded. That is not what Nabi Yusuf did during the famines. Nabi Yusuf (epbuh) was still able to give in charity and trade with neighboring nations with Wisdom from Allah (swt), from the stores of Egypt.

Unjust oppression and hindering of innocent people, as well as, people of Faith in Al-Islam is something that is not going to work out for those who do it. Allah taught us through the Hadith from the Sacred Nabi Muhammad (saws) (epbuh) that the Bankrupt are those who unjustly shed the blood of others; unlawfully devoured the wealth of others; unlawfully oppressed others, etc. He taught us that we should approach Allah and request the Judgement of this Hadith as Reckoning from Allah (swt) upon those who practice those things in our material and spiritual life. Who practice those things upon innocent people, as well as, believing people of Faith in Allah in the ways spoken of in the Hadith.

Who should be staggering in confusion, lethargy and incoherence? Who should have upon them the Spirit of Deep Sleep? This link is from my non-Muslim Dawah blog. Feel free to read at your convenience.

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