Saturday, November 30, 2019

Does The Original Sin Have A Virtually Similar Version On Earth?

I would argue that it does. Leviticus 17 makes blood and life spirit of a person or animal forbidden for consumption in any form. The Gospel (Injeel) makes sourcing other than God and His Holy Spirit for the Spirit forbidden.

So, Father Adam and Mother Eve's (epbut) sin, many refer to as the "Original Sin". And it got them expelled from the 7 Heavens. You know how if you have ever worked for the US Government you get a security clearance badge. I once worked, while in University, for the Department of Energy in DC, and I had a security clearance badge. So Father Adam and Mother Eve (epbut) lost their security clearances to all 7 Gates, or Levels of Heaven, and were expelled to the 1st Zone of Earth. Although some might consider it that it was the 7th Zone of the Earth that is closest to the 1st Level of Heaven and would thus be the 1st landing from Heaven, which might actually be right, and that the 1st Zone of the Earth is actually closest to the 1st Gate of Hell. But which ever way of thinking I am meaning the 1st landing Zone of Earth, from the lowest Heaven.

Earth has 7 Zones. So what I have been trying to pray to Allah (swt) is that if we have someone(s) that their sin is equivalent to repeating the "Original Sin" on Earth then they should get 7 expulsions, as well. For example: they are sourcing a person of Faith for the Spirit (Ruh), or Sustenance, or Soul (Nafs), or Provisions, or Blessings, etc. as they should source Allah and/or His Holy Spirit, then they are eating "Life Forbidden for Consumption". And we have been told to only Source God and/or His Holy Spirit (for example in the Injeel it is spoken, "Thou Shalt not Blaspheme the Holy Spirit." which obviously means to remain loyal to sourcing the Holy Spirit for the Spirit sought)

If we experience this on Earth, then we should invoke Allah (swt) to bestow upon such transgressors the 7 expulsions from whatever Zone of the Earth, similar to Father Adam and Mother Eve (epbut), which would land the transgressors into one of the 7 Gates of Hell. Because as human beings it is far too much to ask them to be Sustainers and Sources for other created beings. That is far too unfair a thing to ask a person of Faith in Allah (swt) that we function like a God Source or a Holy Spirit Source. We witness in the Holy Books that some Prophets were able to dispense Holy Spirit from themselves, but it is understood that we go to God and His Holy Spirit for that and not them. But the unfortunate reality is that some people's spirituality has them doing that concerning Prophets, Saints, or just other People of Faith. Please see the below graphics of important points related to this topic. Including the Names of Allah in Arabic and Hebrew that they need to call on. If you get someone sourcing you in the seen or unseen, you are going to want to tell them, "You need to call on God in His Arabic Names and/or Hebrew Names. Do what you supposed to do, but you need to stop sourcing me." But, for damages done, my prayer continues to be (and other people of faith's should, as well) that those that "Eat Life (of People of Faith) Forbidden For Consumption" should receive 7 Expulsions, from whichever of the 7 Zones of the Earth it is happening to person of Faith in, to one of the 7 Gates of Hell for the Sin that is the virtual repeat of the Original Sin in the Garden of Eden, which got Father Adam and Mother Eve to lose 7 Clearances that was each Gate of Heaven.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Magic Carries One Of The Costliest (set of) Penalties By Allah (swt)

Magic has to have one of the most costly set of penalties of all penalties by Allah (swt). There are 4 enormous penalties for magic.

1. The buyers of magic knew that they would have no share in the hereafter among creation. That there would be erected a barrier beyond which they cannot pass into the future. That is an enormous cost by itself.
2. The purchase or use of magic mars (sows the divide) between the natural attraction between man and woman (man and wife). That is also enormous all by itself.
3. The buyers (and users) of magic are and become people that incline (desire) to do what is harmful and non-beneficial as oppose to what is helpful and beneficial.
4. Vile was the price for which they (buyers and users of magic) did sell their souls if they but knew.
Look at those penalties. If those don't say do not dabble nor use magic...that is indeed largely what that says. But, you may get someone that comes to you or responds to you and says, "Magic is not real. This is not necessary." I would not even argue with that type of person. I would simply delete or block them. Because why would Allah (swt) tell us in 2 Holy Books that magic is unlawful and do not use it, if it doesn't even exist?

Lastly the buyers and users of magic do not want to stop there. But they will want to take a sacrifice or scapegoat to bear the burdens, costs and consequences of their choice of buying or using magic.

[That is why must be careful about this Hadith, because it could be possible that a person might use or buy it. Sins being likened to illnesses is a cause of great concern in combination with that Hadith above...which could then involve the 4 penalties for magic, and many other profoundly problematic penalties from Allah (swt). That possibility of the transfer of some penalties from Allah would be horrible...horrendous.]
But, look at how wicked and evil that is or would be. That would want to make a Prophet (as) or person of faith in Allah (swt) bear those 4 penalties for them. With that type of person...just ask Allah (swt) to transform them into snakes and send an Angel to carry them to the outback in Australia to be released in a way that they never escape until Day of Judgment, and are never heard from again.

Note the Parallelism of these 2 verses of 2 different Holy Books. If we consider cross to mean burden.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Lack Of Water Can Be Linked To Formation Of Some Diseases And Illnesses

ASA WR WB to believing muslim friends. I just thought about something

Low levels or scarcity of water in a region can be linked to the formation of diseases and illnesses in that region. But, Allah (swt) does give from His Mercy with the Ayats of Quran on washing before prayer and the use of Tayyamum where there is no water. Should always steer clear of alcoholic beverages, but particularly in dry regions. Alcohol is a hot substance (not a hydrating substance), so it would be a hot combined with the hotness of the region. But the result of the use of these 2 ayats some people would literally take for granted, but, is actually a miracle. This information in these is miracle work in dry regions to avoid the diseases and illnesses (which can effect both the physical and the spiritual) that come with low levels of water for drinking and sanitation...with something that is being done before prayers.

"O ye who believe! Approach not prayers with a mind befogged, until ye can understand all that ye say,- nor in a state of ceremonial impurity (Except when travelling on the road), until after washing your whole body. If ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands. For God doth blot out sins and forgive again and again." ~ Surahtul Nisa Ayat 43

"O ye who believe! when ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; Rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles. If ye are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body. But if ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands, Allah doth not wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean, and to complete his favour to you, that ye may be grateful." ~ Surahtul Maidah Ayat 6