Magic has to have one of the most costly set of penalties of all penalties by Allah (swt). There are 4 enormous penalties for magic.
1. The buyers of magic knew that they would have no share in the hereafter among creation. That there would be erected a barrier beyond which they cannot pass into the future. That is an enormous cost by itself.
2. The purchase or use of magic mars (sows the divide) between the natural attraction between man and woman (man and wife). That is also enormous all by itself.
3. The buyers (and users) of magic are and become people that incline (desire) to do what is harmful and non-beneficial as oppose to what is helpful and beneficial.
4. Vile was the price for which they (buyers and users of magic) did sell their souls if they but knew.
Look at those penalties. If those don't say do not dabble nor use magic...that is indeed largely what that says. But, you may get someone that comes to you or responds to you and says, "Magic is not real. This is not necessary." I would not even argue with that type of person. I would simply delete or block them. Because why would Allah (swt) tell us in 2 Holy Books that magic is unlawful and do not use it, if it doesn't even exist?
Lastly the buyers and users of magic do not want to stop there. But they will want to take a sacrifice or scapegoat to bear the burdens, costs and consequences of their choice of buying or using magic.
[That is why must be careful about this Hadith, because it could be possible that a person might use or buy it. Sins being likened to illnesses is a cause of great concern in combination with that Hadith above...which could then involve the 4 penalties for magic, and many other profoundly problematic penalties from Allah (swt). That possibility of the transfer of some penalties from Allah would be horrible...horrendous.]
But, look at how wicked and evil that is or would be. That would want to make a Prophet (as) or person of faith in Allah (swt) bear those 4 penalties for them. With that type of person...just ask Allah (swt) to transform them into snakes and send an Angel to carry them to the outback in Australia to be released in a way that they never escape until Day of Judgment, and are never heard from again.
Note the Parallelism of these 2 verses of 2 different Holy Books. If we consider cross to mean burden. |
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